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Subject: XanaNews - Working with XanaNews (part 1 of 4)
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XanaNews > Help > Contents > Working with XanaNews > Accounts
>XanaNews allows you to connect to as many individual news servers as you
>like. The settings for each connection are held in XanaNews in an 'Account'
>Often your Internet Service Provider will provide a news server for you to
>connect to as part of your package. in addition there are hundreds of free
>and commercial news servers available on the Internet. Some of these
>servers contain a small number of targeted, private newsgroups. Others
>contain tens of thousands of groups.
>An example of a small, private news server is the ''
>server. This free server holds only a few groups, but these include the
>crucial '' and 'xananews.wishlist' newsgroups - where all
>things XanaNews are discussed.
>You can create more than one Account for a particular server. You may want
>to do this for instance, to more easily separate German newsgroups from
>English ones; groups containing picture from general discussion groups, etc.

XanaNews > Help > Contents > Working with XanaNews > Creating Accounts
>Creating Accounts
>To create a new account, select 'Add New Account' from the Account menu.
>When the Account Properties form is displayed, type in the name of the
>account. This is the name that XanaNews displays in the accounts & groups
>tree. For instance:
> XanaNews Support Newsgroups
> Demon Internet Newsgroups
> GigaNews
>Next, select the 'Server Settings' section and type in the server name,
>and user and password details if required. The server name is its Internet
>name. Your Internet Service Provider or newsgroup provider will let you
>know this. For instance:
>Free servers usually don't require a User Name and Password. Commercial
>servers usually do. Leave the 'Always Authenticate' checkbox un-checked
>unless otherwise directed by the server provider.
>If the server uses SSL encryption, proceed to the Dialup & Connection
>section and check the 'SSL Required' checkbox. Most servers don't use SSL
>That's it! Click the 'OK' button, and start using the new account by
>choosing 'Show Newsgroup List' on the Account menu.

XanaNews > Help > Contents > Working with XanaNews > Removing an Account
>Removing an Account
>To remove an account select 'Remove Account' from the Account menu. Click
>'OK' to confirm.
>When you remove an account, its settings and all messages in all the
>groups you subscribed to in that account are permanently removed.

XanaNews > Help > Contents > Working with XanaNews > Using Accounts
>Using Accounts
>Once you have created an account you can use it to retrieve the list of
>newsgroups it maintained, to subscribe to these newsgroups, and to get
>messages for the newsgroup you've subscribed to.

XanaNews > Help > Contents > Working with XanaNews > Subscribing to
>Subscribing to Newsgroups
>Before you can read messages on a server you have to subscribe to one or
>more newsgroups.
>Select 'Show Newsgroup List' from the account menu. The list of newsgroups
>is displayed.
>The symbol next to the group name indicates the groups you are already
>subscribed to.
>The symbol next to a group name indicates that the group is a new group.
>To subscribe to a group, select the group name and click the 'Subscribe'
>To unsubscribe from a group, select the group name and click the
>'Unsubscribe' button.
>You can subscribe to, or unsubscribe from a number of groups at a time.
>Simply select more than one group name by clicking Subscribe or
>Newsgroup servers often hold many thousand of groups. To narrow down the
>list of groups displayed:
> *Check the 'Show Subscribed Groups Only' checkbox to show only the
>  groups you're subscribed to.
> *Check the 'Show New Groups Only' checkbox to show only new groups.
> *To show only groups containing a particular word or partial word, type
>  that word into the 'Display only groups that contain' box.
>  For instance, if you type 'XanaNews', the list may show:
>   alt.usenet.offline-reader.xananews
>XanaNews will automatically detect when new groups are available, so you
>don't usually have to select Refresh Group List for an account.
>New groups only show up as being 'new' once in the newsgroup list. Once
>they've been displayed they are no longer considered 'new'.

XanaNews > Help > Contents > Working with XanaNews > Unsubscribing from
>Unsubscribing from Newsgroups
>The quickest way to unsubscribe from a newsgroup is to select it in the
>Subscribed Groups tree, and select 'Unsubscribe' from the Newsgroup menu.
>If you select more than one group on the Subscribed Groups tree, XanaNews
>will unsubscribe from each group in turn.
>Alternatively you can display the list of newsgroups for the account, and
>unsubscribe there.
>When you unsubscribe from a newsgroup, all the messages for that
>newsgroup will be deleted from your computer.

XanaNews > Help > Contents > Working with XanaNews > Working with an
Account's Messages
>Working with an Account's Messages
>Once you have subscribed to some of an account's groups you can perform
>certain actions on all the groups you are subscribed to in that account.
>Select the account (rather than a group) in the Subscribed Groups tree,
>and right-click to bring up the popup menu.
> *'Get Messages' will display the 'Get Messages' form, and get the
>  requested messages for all groups in the account.
> *'Delete Messages' will display the 'Delete Messages' form and deleted
>  the required messages from all groups in the account.
> *'Mark all messages as Read' will mark all messages in all groups in
>  the account as 'Read'
> *'Quick Get Messages' will perform the default Get Messages action for
>  all groups in the account.
> *'Search Messages' will search messages in each group in the account in
>  turn.

XanaNews > Help > Contents > Working with XanaNews > Refresh Account's
Group List
>Refresh Account's Group List
>Select 'Refresh Group List' from the Account menu to re-download the
>complete list of newsgroups from the server.
>This happens automatically the first time you show the newsgroup list.
>And because XanaNews automatically downloads details for any new
>newsgroups that are subsequently created you rarely need to do this.
>Note that any groups that have been marked as 'new' by the automatic
>download process will be unmarked if you refresh the group list.

XanaNews > Help > Contents > Working with XanaNews > Account Properties
>Account Properties
>The Account properties form allows you to control all aspects of an
>account's operation. The form is divided into five sections:
> Basic Account Settings
> Server Settings
> Dialup & Connection settings
> Posting Server Details
> Derived Settings

XanaNews > Help > Contents > Working with XanaNews > Basic Account
>Basic Account Settings
>The Basic Account Settings section contains the following options:
>Account Name
> The Account name, as it is displayed in XanaNews. This is not used to
> connect the server, so it can be any name you like. Note that duplicate
> account names are not supported.
>Make Secret Account
> Secret accounts don't appear in the groups & accounts tree when you start
> XanaNews. You can make them appear (and disappear again) by selecting
> 'Show Secret Accounts & Newsgroups' on the View menu.
>Enable Keyphrase Scanning
> Enabling Keyphrase Scanning means that the groups in this account will be
> scanned for the key phrases you set up in Tools/Options, Keywords.
> Keyphrase Scanning was made optional because of concerns that it might
> affect the overall performance of XanaNews. However, in practice there is
> little noticeable difference when keyphrase scanning is enabled, and the
> option mat be removed (and left enabled) in a future version.
>Mark Messages as Read when Leaving Groups in this Account
> If this option is selected, whenever you leave a selected newsgroup, all
> its articles will be marked as 'read'.

XanaNews > Help > Contents > Working with XanaNews > Server Settings
>Server Settings
>The Server Settings section contains basic server details:
>Server Name
> The Internet name of the server. This can be given as a 'host name' (eg.
> or as a raw IP address (eg. 192.244.87,121)
>This Server Requires Me to Log On
> Select this check box if the server requires you to log on using a User
> Name and Password.
>User Name
> The user name used if log on is required.
> The password used if log on is required.
>Always Authenticate
> Force XanaNews to log on to the server before trying to do anything else.
> This is not usually required. Usually servers will ask for request
> authentication if and when they need it. However some non-standard
> servers will act differently if a particular user has logged on, maybe
> presenting extra 'private' newsgroup in their group list, etc.
>Last Greeting Received from Server
> The last greeting received from the server is displayed here. This can
> be useful for diagnosing connection problems.

XanaNews > Help > Contents > Working with XanaNews > Dialup & Connection