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From: D <noreply@mixmin.net>
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Subject: Re: Multiple abuses from i2pn2.
Message-Id: <20241018.000622.ce13cb7b@mixmin.net>
Date: Fri, 18 Oct 2024 00:06:22 +0100
Newsgroups: news.admin.net-abuse.usenet
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On Thu, 17 Oct 2024 23:15:51 +0200, Jean-Paul <contact@usenet.ovh> wrote:
>D <noreply@mixmin.net> composa la prose suivante:
>>On Thu, 17 Oct 2024 16:56:08 +0200, Jean-Paul <contact@usenet.ovh> wrote:
>>>Eric M a expos?e 17/10/2024 :
>>>> Le 17/10/2024 ?4:06, noel a ?it :
>>>>> No, its not a protest, because nobody here can force change
>>>> I said what I had to say to the person that can do something about it, it's 
>>>> up to him to see now, EOT.
>>>He's clearly already responded to you and hasn't been intimidated
>>>by your threats: <c05a38415282b111f37be57025c6f91f@www.novabbs.org>
>>it seems incredible that any newsserver administrator would resort to
>>such puerile and hypocritical slanders (nazi, nationalsozialistische)
>>regardless of the context; if this "eric m" really did write and send
>>this "nazi nazi nazi" ugliness, maybe it was too much alcohol talking?
>Eric M. is not a newsserver administrator. It's just a french troll
>who want to ban from usenet all thing he don't like.
>And if you not agree with him: you are a nazi or far-right politics.

merci beaucoup for helping to explain this character's incorrigible
behavior ... mea culpa for incorrectly assuming that he/she/it/them
was perhaps overworked server administrator running out of patience;

so the issue of french language isn't the problem...it's status quo
troll farm "regulars" continually disrupting newsgroups with drivel