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From: (Anton Ertl)
Newsgroups: comp.arch
Subject: Re: Tonights Tradeoff - Background Execution Buffers
Date: Fri, 04 Oct 2024 06:19:31 GMT
Organization: Institut fuer Computersprachen, Technische Universitaet Wien
Lines: 86
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Robert Finch <> writes:
>Today I am wondering how many predicate registers are enough. Scanning 
>webpages reveals a variety. The Itanium has 64-predicates, but they are 
>used for modulo loops and rotated. Rotating register is Itaniums method 
>of register renaming, so it needs more visible registers. In a classic 
>superscalar design with a RAT where registers are renamed, it seems like 
>64 would be far too many.

Would it?  Zen5 has 192 flags registers
and I assume that means it has 192 C, 192 V, and 192 NZP registers
(physical), for one architectural flags register.

>I cannot see the compiler making use of very many predicate registers 

Maybe not, but what are the alternatives:

1) Have one flags register, like AMD64 and ARM A32, T32, and A64, or
the carry flag of Power and 88K, and the flags result of most Power
instructions.  Then the compilers typically only know that other
instructions will overwrite that register, and is forced to consume
the flag right away.  This leads to bad code generation, as shown in

|E.g., in
|<> we see that gcc-5.3.0
|   cf = _addcarry_u64(cf, src1[1], src2[1], &dst[1]);
|   cf = _addcarry_u64(cf, src1[2], src2[2], &dst[2]);
| d:	48 8b 42 08          	mov    0x8(%rdx),%rax
|11:	41 80 c1 ff          	add    $0xff,%r9b
|15:	49 13 40 08          	adc    0x8(%r8),%rax
|19:	41 0f 92 c1          	setb   %r9b
|1d:	48 89 41 08          	mov    %rax,0x8(%rcx)
|21:	48 8b 42 10          	mov    0x10(%rdx),%rax
|25:	41 80 c1 ff          	add    $0xff,%r9b
|29:	49 13 40 10          	adc    0x10(%r8),%rax
|2d:	41 0f 92 c1          	setb   %r9b
|31:	48 89 41 10          	mov    %rax,0x10(%rcx)
|Here gcc reifies the carry bit in a GPR (r9b) with the instructions at
|19 and 2d, and also converts it from a GPR into a carry flag in 11 and
|25.  This shows that the compiler does not trust itself to preserve
|the carry flag from one adc to the next.

2) Have multiple flags registers, like IA-64.  The compiler will
certainly be able to deal with that, but extra instructions are needed
for generating the flags.

3) Use the GPRs for flags.  This also often requires additional
instructions for generating the flags, as in MIPS, 88K, or RISC-V
(with quite a bit of differentce between the MIPS/Alpha/RISC-V
approach and the 88K approach).  This disadvantage is often mitigated
by having compare-and-branch instructions or instructions that branch
on certain properties of a register's content.

4) Keep the flags results along with GPRs: have carry and overflow as
bit 64 and 65, N is bit 63, and Z tells something about bits 0-63.
The advantage is that you do not have to track the flags separately
(and, in case of AMD64, track each of C, O, and NZP separately), but
instead can use the RAT that is already there for the GPRs.  You can
find a preliminary paper on that on

>Since they are not used simultaneously, and register 
>renaming is in effect, there should not be a great need for predicate 

You need to preserve one instance for every recovery point, i.e.,
every instruction that branches or can trap, and that have not yet
been committed.  You also need to preserve one instance if there is
any consumer that has not yet proceeded through execution.  The
simplest way to satisfy both requirements is to just preserve any
flags result until the generating instruction retires.  And if most
instructions generate flags, that means a lot of instances of the
flags.  There is a reason why Zen5 has 192.

- anton
'Anyone trying for "industrial quality" ISA should avoid undefined behavior.'
  Mitch Alsup, <>