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From: Peter Flass <>
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: The joy of actual numbers, was Democracy
Date: Wed, 6 Nov 2024 18:31:20 -0700
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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rbowman <> wrote:
> On Mon, 4 Nov 2024 21:41:30 +0100, D wrote:
>> Today... many are not capable today. But give it a 100 years or two, and
>> with the progress of psychology and the school system, I'm sure that
>> focus will be to equip people to live meaningful lives, instead of just
>> being compliant cogs.
> I had a very brief career as a math and science teacher. The school system 
> used homogeneous grouping meaning the classes were broken up according to 
> the perceived potential of the students. A was the college bound, B 
> possibly would make it to college or a skilled trade, C most likely would 
> be unskilled labor, and D was for dummies. 
> Being the new hire I saw a lot of the D section. They were ineducable. To 
> put it plainly they didn't give a shit and their parents didn't give a 
> shit. They were marking time until they turned 16 and could get working 
> papers. To further clarify, there was one black kid. The rest were run of 
> the mill white trash. I did have to relieve the black kid of his straight 
> razor. The white kids knew better than to play with their toys in class.
> The tranches were roughly equal, so that was 25% of the student body. The 
> C kids might have fared better but this was a mill town and the mills were 
> leaving. 

Lived in a town like that. The kids just wanted to get a job in the mill
like their dads. Not a lot of ambition or high expectations.
