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From: Richard Damon <richard@damon-family.org>
Newsgroups: comp.theory
Subject: Re: Anyone that disagrees with this is not telling the truth --- V5
 --- Professor Sipser
Date: Wed, 28 Aug 2024 19:39:41 -0400
Organization: i2pn2 (i2pn.org)
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On 8/28/24 8:07 AM, olcott wrote:
> On 8/28/2024 4:00 AM, Fred. Zwarts wrote:
>> Op 27.aug.2024 om 15:32 schreef olcott:
>>> On 8/27/2024 3:23 AM, Mikko wrote:
>>>> On 2024-08-22 04:22:11 +0000, olcott said:
>>>>> On 8/21/2024 10:35 PM, Richard Damon wrote:
>>>>>> On 8/21/24 11:26 PM, olcott wrote:
>>>>>>> On 8/21/2024 9:06 PM, Richard Damon wrote:
>>>>>>>> On 8/21/24 9:55 PM, olcott wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On 8/21/2024 8:45 PM, Richard Damon wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> On 8/21/24 9:23 PM, olcott wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> On 8/21/2024 7:00 PM, Richard Damon wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> On 8/21/24 8:30 AM, olcott wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 8/21/2024 3:01 AM, Mikko wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 2024-08-21 03:01:38 +0000, olcott said:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *We are only talking about one single point*
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Professor Sipser must have understood that an HHH(DDD)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that does abort is supposed predict what would happen
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if it never aborted.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Professor Sipser understood that what is not a part of the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> text
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is not a part of the agreement. What H is required to predict
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is fully determined by the words "halt decider H". The 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> previous
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> word "simulating" refers to an implementation detail and does
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not affect the requirements.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <MIT Professor Sipser agreed to ONLY these verbatim words 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10/13/2022>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>      If simulating halt decider H correctly simulates its 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> input D
>>>>>>>>>>>>>      until H correctly determines that its simulated D 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> would never
>>>>>>>>>>>>>      stop running unless aborted then
>>>>>>>>>>>>>      H can abort its simulation of D and correctly report 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> that D
>>>>>>>>>>>>>      specifies a non-halting sequence of configurations.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> </MIT Professor Sipser agreed to ONLY these verbatim words 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10/13/2022>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> It is crucial to the requirements in that it specifies that
>>>>>>>>>>>>> H is required to predict
>>>>>>>>>>>>> (a) The behavior specified by the finite string D
>>>>>>>>>>>> Which must include *ALL* of the code of the PROGRAM D, which 
>>>>>>>>>>>> includes ALL the code of everything it calls, which includes 
>>>>>>>>>>>> H, so with your system, changing H gives a DIFFERENT input, 
>>>>>>>>>>>> which is not comparable in behavior to this input.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> (b) As measured by the correct partial simulation of D by H
>>>>>>>>>>>> Nope, by H correctly predicting, with a partial simulation 
>>>>>>>>>>>> of D by H if possible, if the COMPLETE simulaiton by a 
>>>>>>>>>>>> "hypothetical H" replacing H but not changing the input, 
>>>>>>>>>>>> would never halt.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> (c) When H would never abort its simulation of F
>>>>>>>>>>>> Which, since that isn't the case, put you into the realm of 
>>>>>>>>>>>> fantasy.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> (d) This includes H simulating itself simulating D
>>>>>>>>>>>> Right, H must CORRECTLY predict the behavior of an UNABORTED 
>>>>>>>>>>>> emulation of its input, and if, and only if, it can 
>>>>>>>>>>>> determine that such an emulation would never halt, then it 
>>>>>>>>>>>> can abort its emulation.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Note, that is the emulation of this exact input, including D 
>>>>>>>>>>>> calling the ORIGINAL H, not changing to the Hypothetical, 
>>>>>>>>>>>> since by the rules of the field, the input is a fixed 
>>>>>>>>>>>> string, and fully defines the behavior of the input.
>>>>>>>>>>> You are contradicting yourself.
>>>>>>>>>>> Your ADD may prevent you from
>>>>>>>>>>> concentrating well enough to see this.
>>>>>>>>>> I was right, you couldn't name it so you are just admiting 
>>>>>>>>>> that you are a liar trying to create an ad hominem attack that 
>>>>>>>>>> failed.
>>>>>>>>> I have been over this same point again and again and again and
>>>>>>>>> your "rebuttal" is changing the subject or calling me stupid.
>>>>>>>> What "change of subject", I just point out what the words you 
>>>>>>>> try to use actually mean, and why your claims are wrong by the 
>>>>>>>> rules of the system you claim to be working in.
>>>>>>>> The fact that you don't understand DOES make you stupid. I don't 
>>>>>>>> say you are wrong because you are stupid, you are wrong because 
>>>>>>>> the words you use don't mean what you think they do, and thus 
>>>>>>>> your conclusions are just incorrect.
>>>>>>>> That you seem to NEVER LEARN is what makes you stupid.
>>>>>>>>> Professor Sipser clearly agreed that an H that does
>>>>>>>>> a finite simulation of D is to predict the behavior
>>>>>>>>> of an unlimited simulation of D.
>>>>>>>> Right, H needs to predict in a finite number of steps, what an 
>>>>>>>> unlimited simulation of this EXACT input, which means that it 
>>>>>>>> must call the H that you claim to be getting the right answer, 
>>>>>>>> which is the H that does abort and return non-halting.
>>>>>>> OK then you seem to have this correctly, unless you interpret
>>>>>>> this as a self-contradiction.
>>>>>> Why do you think it could be a self-contradiction?
>>>>>> It is an impossiblity for H to correctly due it, but that is why 
>>>>>> the Halting Problem is non-computable.
>>>>> The finite HHH(DDD) emulates itself emulating DDD exactly once
>>>>> and this is sufficient for this HHH to predict what a different
>>>>> HHH(DDD) do that never aborted its emulation of its input.
>>>> That is relevant only if the input specifies that the behaviour
>>>> of that different HHH is a part of the behaviour of DDD.
>>> <MIT Professor Sipser agreed to ONLY these verbatim words 10/13/2022>
>>>      If simulating halt decider H correctly simulates its input D
>>>      until H correctly determines that its simulated D *would never*
>>>      *stop running unless aborted* then
>>> <MIT Professor Sipser agreed to ONLY these verbatim words 10/13/2022>
>>> HHH is only required to correctly predict whether or not DDD
>>> *would never stop running unless aborted*
>> And since DDD is calling an HHH that is programmed to detect the 
>> 'special condition', so that it aborts and halts, DDD halts as well and 
> If you are hungry and never eat you will remain hungry.
> You are hungry and eat becoming no longer hungry.
> *This proves that you never needed to eat*

Nope, that is BAD reasoning as it isn't an appropriate analogy.

> When the emulation of DDD is aborted

No, but the fact that the direct running of DDD, or the giving of DDD