Warning: mysqli::__construct(): (HY000/1203): User howardkn already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connections in D:\Inetpub\vhosts\howardknight.net\al.howardknight.net\includes\artfuncs.php on line 21
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Warning: mysqli::query(): Couldn't fetch mysqli in D:\Inetpub\vhosts\howardknight.net\al.howardknight.net\index.php on line 66
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Subject: Re: FAQ: Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines
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Laika a couché sur son écran :
> Le 24/11/24 à 15:23, Olivier Miakinen a écrit :
>> And maybe there can be someone who always answers to Pluto who always 
>> answers
>> to D who always answers to Tim Skirvin who always posts every week. Is 
>> anyone
>> interested in the job? It's not very well paid, but it's a stable position.
> Ah, if only we were civil servants... Censoring, that's really all you have 
> to do, look at EM how he ends his priesthood dismissed, it's a sad end to his 
> life.

Triste mais c'est sa vie.

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