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From: Richard Damon <>
Newsgroups: comp.theory
Subject: Re: HHH maps its input to the behavior specified by it --- never
 reaches its halt state ---natural number mapping
Date: Sat, 10 Aug 2024 15:42:46 -0400
Organization: i2pn2 (
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On 8/10/24 3:05 PM, olcott wrote:
> On 8/10/2024 1:56 PM, Fred. Zwarts wrote:
>> Op 10.aug.2024 om 20:41 schreef olcott:
>>> On 8/10/2024 1:35 PM, Fred. Zwarts wrote:
>>>> No evidence for these claims. We know that a simulation of a halting 
>>>> program is correct only when it reaches the halt state, 
>>> void Infinite_Recursion()
>>> {
>>>    Infinite_Recursion();
>>> }
>>> void Infinite_Loop()
>>> {
>>>    HERE: goto HERE;
>>> }
>>> You seem to be an ignoramus. Ordinary ignorance can be corrected.
>> Completely irrelevant. There is no infinite loop in HHH because HHH 
>> aborts after N recursions, not after an Infinite_Recursion.
> Thus you already knew that your statement was false before you
> said it. Infinite_Loop() need not be emulated to non-existent
> completion before HHH recognizes its infinite behavior pattern.
> Why say things that you know are false?

Of course it doesn't, because it can actually prove that such an 
emulation will go on forever, as we can observe.

It can't do that for DDD,  and in fact, if we give that DDD paired to 
the HHH that thinks DDD is non-halting and aborts and returns to a true 
complete emulator (at a diffferent address than HHH is at, something not 
used) then we see that DDD will halt, and thus HHH is wrong.

This has been proving, and you ignoring that proof just shows that you 
are toostupid to see your errors, and too stupid to see that you are too 
stupid to see the errors, which makes you the worse kind of stupid.