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From: clzb93ynxj@att.net (LaurenceClarkCrossen)
Newsgroups: sci.physics.relativity
Subject: Re: Relativity defends itself by complicating everything to the point of
Date: Thu, 12 Dec 2024 17:34:51 +0000
Organization: novaBBS
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On Thu, 12 Dec 2024 8:46:19 +0000, Athel Cornish-Bowden wrote:

> On 2024-12-12 06:08:38 +0000, Thomas Heger said:
>> Am Freitag000006, 06.12.2024 um 22:07 schrieb LaurenceClarkCrossen:
>>> "The establishment defends itself by complicating everything to the
>>> point of incomprehensibility." - Fred Hoyle
>> I had the same impression long ago.
>> Many things in physics are simply way to complicated, because I just
>> don't think, that nature needs such complicated rules.
> The unwanted comma seems just right there.
>> Nature should
> Says who? "If the Lord Almighty had consulted me before embarking on
> creation thus, I should have recommended something simpler" (Alfonso X
> of Castile).
>>  work on a fundamental level very simple and should therefore require
>> only a few simple rules.
>> These fundamental principles should, however, generate a plethora of
>> different patterns, which we find in nature.
>> But the building blocks themselves should be few and simple.
>> If you (for instance) had found such 'building blocks' (say in the 19th
>> century) and utilized them for your own benefit, you certainly want
>> others to search somewhere else.
>> In the meantime you could acquire tremendous wealth and make yourself a
>> member of the establishment (established by your wealth).
>> But you need to divert competition into unpromising realms and feed
>> your competitors with unproductive nonsense.
>> This should be done 'en masse', because it wouldn't help, if these
>> others would find out of the swamp anytime soon.
>>   TH
So, you are arguing against the parsimony Heger appreciates.