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From: kyonshi <gmkeros@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: news.software.nntp
Subject: Re: stats 2024 July
Date: Mon, 5 Aug 2024 13:10:59 +0200
Organization: Erebor InterNetNews
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On Thu, 01 Aug 2024 00:58:28 -0600, The Doctor wrote:

> Group : news.software.nntp Statistics : from 7/1/2024 to 7/31/2024
> ***** Users with most messages *****
>  num| Name                | Nb Msg | size   | or. | %
> ----|---------------------|--------|--------|-----|------------------|
>   1 | Nigel Reed          |      6 | 12,210 |   1 | 37.50% xxxxxxxxxx 2
>   | Julien ÉLIE         |      2 |  5,664 |   1 | 12.50% xxx 3 | Russ
>   Allbery        |      1 | 75,289 |   1 |  6.25% x 4 | The Doctor      
>      |      1 | 38,705 |   1 |  6.25% x 5 | Ivo Gandolfo        |      1
>   |  2,275 |   1 |  6.25% x 6 | Spammer             |      1 |  1,268 | 
>    1 |  6.25% x 7 | Retro Guy           |      1 |  2,906 |   0 |  6.25%
>   x 8 | Ray Banana          |      1 |  2,403 |   0 |  6.25% x 9 | Billy
>   G. (go-while) |      1 |  1,701 |   0 |  6.25% x
>  10 | Dennis Preiser      |      1 |  1,341 |   0 |  6.25% x
> ----|---------------------|--------|--------|-----|------------------|

That's interesting. I definitely see one of my articles in that time span, 
but unless I am the Spammer mentioned I don't actually show up in these 
I was wondering why nobody bothered to reply.

Of course this might not be seen by anyone either.