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From: Justisaur <justisaur@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.action
Subject: Re: 75% of new games purchased were downloaded
Date: Fri, 20 Sep 2024 11:42:37 -0700
Organization: i2pn2 (i2pn.org)
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On 9/20/2024 10:37 AM, Spalls Hurgenson wrote:
> Well, so says a recent study about video-game sales in the UK.*
> Although honestly, my first reaction was, "It's that low?" Because I'm
> surprised so many games are still sold in stores. It almost certainly
> has to be much higher for PC (other than a tiny number of exclusive
> special edition packages, are there _any_ PC games still in retail?).
> Similarly, every single mobile game is a digital download too. Are
> there that many console users still stuck in the past?
> Especially since even if you do buy a console game, the first thing
> that is going to happen after you put the game in the machine is that
> it's going to download the entirity of the game again anyway thanks to
> 0-day updates. What's the advantage to buying from retail?
> Sure, grandma might do it. "Little Timmy likes video games; I'll swing
> by Tesco and buy one for my beloved grandson." (and then inevitably
> buys some cheap, poorly-reviewed knock-off of a popular game. Oh,
> Grandma!).
> Maybe it's just the UK. I wonder what world-wide stats show.

My son and I were in Target the other day, he wanted to buy a switch 
game.  All they had were little cards to buy which gives you a code for 
downloading them.  I wonder if they're counting that as buying a game in 
the store or whatever.

I just can't see 75% unless they're limiting it to PS5 or Xbox (I'm only 
assuming they have real discs still?) or PC.

If they include mobile it's going to be way higher than 75% since games 
can only be purchased.  They probably aren't even counting them because 
most of them aren't purchased, they're FTP.


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