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Path: ...!!!!not-for-mail
From: Chris Green <>
Newsgroups: comp.sys.raspberry-pi
Subject: Re: Getting along without a keyboard
Date: Sat, 14 Sep 2024 07:16:04 +0100
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Bytes: 1559 wrote:
> I've recently set up an old Pi2 for use with a USB oscilloscope.
> The scope software is point and click for the most part. Is there
> some user interface trick to limp along using a mouse alone? Almost 
> no keyboard input is required, so it needn't be fast or easy. 
> An attempt to run raspi-config by copying the filename via the
> file manager and pasting it into the "run command" dialog failed,
> with neither error nor execution, though the "open" option did
> start an editor. That was a surprise. 
> Thanks for reading and any suggestions.  
You need a virtual keyboard, a web search for 'pi virtual keyboard'
comes up with loads of hits.

There are several in the standard Raspbian repositories:-

    apt search "on-screen keyboard"

Chris Green