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From: Rin Stowleigh <rstowleigh@x-nospam-x.com>
Newsgroups: comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.action
Subject: Re: STALKER 2... Gone Gold
Date: Sun, 10 Nov 2024 16:07:32 -0500
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On Sat, 9 Nov 2024 18:42:19 -0700, "rms" <rsquiresMOO@MOOflashMOO.net>

>I did pre-order, partly to show support, which sounds depressingly futile 
>and feeble now.  Hope it is good and not too consolized (just finished 
>replaying Stalker1 a few days ago)

War or no war, I want to support it for the simple matter that they
seem to want to stay true to their own franchise rather than cave in
to the syndrome that is becoming the downfall of many game companies.

They're saying "yes there's a story there, but you don't need to pay
attention to it at all to enjoy the game".  

I would much rather hear that than "hey, we paid Kim Belair and Sweet
Baby Inc. a small fortune to go through our story,
validate/edit/correct it politically and make sure its a game that
will appeal to the woke and make white males cringe... so we thought
it was important to force the player to endure cutscenes and not
bypass the behavior correction experience that was so important to