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Path: ...!!!!!!YJ4KnIs//jwJCQ6VS48zVg.user.!not-for-mail
From: Alan <>
Subject: Re: OT: Shameful
Date: Fri, 7 Jan 2022 12:03:46 -0800
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On 2022-01-07 11:50 a.m., Irving S wrote:
> On Friday, January 7, 2022 at 2:28:27 PM UTC-5, Alan wrote:
>> On 2022-01-07 11:22 a.m., Irving S wrote:
>>> On Friday, January 7, 2022 at 1:55:25 PM UTC-5, Alan wrote:
>>>> They held a moment of silence in the Capitol yesterday for the
>>>> police officers who died or were injured last January 6.
>>>> Do you know how many Republican legislators were present?
>>>> 2; and one of those was actually retired.
>>>> Only Liz Cheney and her father were there.
>>> Alan, we will surely disagree, but I say that is great what
>>> happened. I would not attended. I do not want to debate this, but
>>> there was a lot of fishy stuff with that election. People were
>>> angry , they acted out. Good to see this, I predict this is just
>>> the beginning. I could not care whether you are to the left or
>>> right. Most of these people in Wahington DC are crooks. They are
>>> compromised. People have the power, keep on pissing them off,
>>> they will speak and act out. There will come a time when people
>>> across all political persuasions, races, sexual orientation, etc
>>> will open their eyes and realize that we are all getting screwed.
>>> With rising gas prices, failed Covid policies, inflation, abuses
>>> by Justice Dept, FBI, and all branches, I really believe a great
>>> awakening will happen. I refused to believe that this ship is
>>> sunk. People see the fools we have in charge, and the fools that
>>> work for them. They should be very worried. January 6 will seem
>>> like a firecracker, compared to the bomb that is waiting to go
>>> off.
>> There was no "fishy stuff" with this election.
>> If there was, why has no evidence of it ever been presented
>> anywhere.
>> If there was, why didn't they flip a few Senate races as well?
>> Are a whole lot of politicians worse people than we should be
>> allowed to expect? Yup.
>> Are the Republicans mostly bought and paid for by big business and
>> the very rich? Absolutely
>> Are the Democrats immune from this? By no means.
>> And NONE of that has anything at all to do with the fact that
>> police officers put their lives on the line and were injured and
>> killed in defense of ALL the lawmakers present on that day.
> Alan,  I think over time things will come out.  Just like it took so
> much time to realize the Russian hoax, or the Epstein stuff, or
> whatever.  Things take time, there is very little transparency these
> days.  Somewhere out there, there is a journalist, an honest
> politician, a whistleblower than will raise some doubt and present
> some concrete evidence.  You wait and see my friend.  Time will tell,
> we both know that.

And if he tells you what you don't want to hear, you'll declare him to 
be dishonest.

"No true scotsman": heard of it?

> You can call me callous and cold. I have better things to do
> personally than storm any public building, but these people were
> heroes.

No. They were not. But they were really the villains, either.

They were dupes, deliberately convinced by truly evil people that there 
was something going on that simply wasn't.

>  I am sad that anyone got hurt, but any noble cause means
> collateral damage.

There was no noble cause. Every time Trumpians have claimed that they 
had evidence and they would be presenting it...

....they bailed.

> When Truman dropped those two bombs, there was
> incredible collateral damage to innocents.  He made a statement,, the
> guy had ballls.  He ended the war, and made a statement.  This is
> what happens when you screw around with a leader that has balls.
> When napalm was dropped in the jungles of Viet Nam, there was
> collateral damage.  When bombs were dropped in Afghanitan, there was
> collateral damage.  This is reality my friend.  Reality hurts, no one
> likes suffering.  But it is the greater good that we hope for in the
> end.   I am not pessimistic at all, I see a great awakening in 2022.
> We have an imbecile as President, an imbecile for VP, an imbecile as
> Speaker of the House, and many imbeciles on both sides of the aisle.
> There will be change, hopefully peacefully, but push people hard
> enough, and we will see uprisings that make Jan 6 look like a tea
> party with a bunch of old ladies.

You HAD an imbecile for a president...

....and he lost a fair election.