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Date: Sat, 10 Jun 2023 18:28:20 +0200
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From: Michel Talon <>
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Le 10/06/2023 à 16:16, robby a écrit :
> Le 10/06/2023 à 14:04, Michel Talon a écrit :
>> Quand à Nottale, Rovelli, etc. ce sont pour le moins des auteurs 
>> controversés.
> a quel propos ?
La théorie de Nottale, personne n'en parle. La théorie de boucle a un 
peu plus de succès, mais si on regarde ce que disent des théoriciens 
réputés qui ne sont pas adeptes de la langue de bois (David Gross) on
obtient par exemple ceci:
I was attending Strings2021 and yes Gross is right. Basically there has 
been no concrete development in LQG research in the last 15 years, that 
is still stuck with relatively trivial problems it can't solve like 
finding GR from it or the BH entropy corrections. In the meantime, 
string theory has developed in a huge way from all points of view: 
AdS/CFT and holography are understood better than ever, the research in 
swampland helped clarify the link between strings and the very 
mathematical consistency of general theories of quantum gravity and 
F-theory was crucial in finding whole classes of standard model like 
solutions in stringy model building. The comparison between the two 
can't even be done, it would be like comparing a cruise ship to a life

Michel Talon