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Subject: Re: Politicaly correct?
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On 3/30/2024 6:06 PM, Don Y wrote:
> On 3/30/2024 12:15 PM, Jeroen Belleman wrote:
>> There is this attitude, especially in the US and muslim countries,
>> that nudity is reprehensible, more so than physical violence. This
>> is weird and borderline insane.
>> The problem is that if you've been raised in that environment,
>> it's almost impossible to change.
> Dunno.  I have been accustomed to seeing women disrobing in stores
> (without the benefit of a "changing room") to try on clothing ever
> since I can recall "shopping".  Or, wearing scant little "in public",
> let alone at beaches, etc.
> Here (SW US), it is not uncommon to encounter women "letting it all
> hang out" -- even in professional positions.
> So, assuming the *nation* defines the "environment" is a gross
> generalization.

Not surprised that the practice developed at USC; mixing business and 
pleasure is the "California Style" style of engineering, like wearing 
ratty T-shirts and cargo shorts to the office, which also likely has 
foozball tables, a full bar, 55" video game screen/man cave and 
on-demand sushi and strippers, and all that.

Not much hardware design goes on in New England anymore but I'm 
definitely more a fan of the "New England"-style of wearing a shirt and 
tie to the office and leaving the centerfolds, video games, and 
generalized baby bullshit at the door.