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Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2024 14:49:47 -0400
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Subject: Re: LT Spice updates
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On 6/11/2024 2:09 PM, john larkin wrote:
> On Tue, 11 Jun 2024 13:35:21 -0400, "Edward Rawde"
> <invalid@invalid.invalid> wrote:
>> "john larkin" <jl@650pot.com> wrote in message news:c11h6j1rgdemjqmp73m93ir3qr4d07hlj3@4ax.com...
>>> LT Spice used to have a tool called Sync Release. It's now called
>>> Update Components. That seems to work.
>>> But the separate Help/Check for updates crashes when I try to update
>>> from 17.1.14. I'm running Win 11 on a pretty new PC.
>> 17.1.14? The version I have reports 24.0.12
> Yes, I'm trying to run the upgrade.
>> Maybe uninstall it and install from the latest download.
> Grumble.
> Does it work OK? I've seen reports of problems running older schematic
> files in version 24.

"The people's thoughts are constrained by their tools of production" 
seems like a vaguely appropriate Marxian aphorism.

I don't know if Marx ever said something like "Updaters are a tool of 
last resort" IME the ratio of "Oh the update fixed something" to "Oh it 
broke something that worked fine before" is about 1 to 3