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On 6/19/2024 1:13 PM, Cursitor Doom wrote:
> The AFD is a middle of the road Conservative party in Germany and is now
> the second most popular party in the country. So what do the Lefties want
> to do? Ban it, of course!
> This is the New Left's answer to everything and everyone that doesn't
> share their "progressive" beliefs: declare it as extreme and ban it. Small
> wonder there was a recent planned putsch in the country. What a pity it
> failed!
> https://www.zerohedge.com/political/germany-moves-closer-afd-ban-green-
> claims-party-security-risk-people-democracy

If only aging fascist fogies would go out and pick fights with armed 
people on the street more often:


Lol, what a dumbass, but at least he lived. Walk up and assault somebody 
on the street like that in the US and there's a good chance you'll get 

Not that Mr. Koch likely attributes his survival to Germany's strict gun 
laws. he was just that tough.