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On 9/19/2024 5:17 PM, Cursitor Doom wrote:
> 28% of "Democrats" are fine about murdering a political opponent if it
> furthers their "progressive" cause. Just think about *that* for a second.
> "DEMS have ZERO moral standards. They approve of killing their opponents,
> cheating in and rigging elections, overturning the Constitution, and the
> stealth assassination of supreme court judges, interns, and anyone else
> who might oppose their diabolical agenda - all true to their motto: by any
> means necessary.
> What a vile cabal of thugs."
> https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2024-09-19/poll-28-democrats-approve-trump-
> assassination-51-dont-see-need-increased-security

The right hasn't been "playing fair" since the days of the Montgomery 
Freedom Riders attacks, and the lynching of Emmett Till.

Sounds like the Dems are finally learning a few things from their 
opponents and wising up to what gets the average American voter 
motivated, and it's not preaching tolerance and moderation.

It only took them 50 years but they're not the fastest learners..