Warning: mysqli::__construct(): (HY000/1203): User howardkn already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connections in D:\Inetpub\vhosts\howardknight.net\al.howardknight.net\includes\artfuncs.php on line 21
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From: Mike Duffy <mxduffy@bell.net>
Subject: Re: O.T. --- Just a Random Thought --- 10/26/2024
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On 2024-10-27, gm wrote:

> "master" is so clinging and desperate and deranged that in her
> "confusion" she'd fuck up a two - car funeral procession, lol...

It happens to the best of us. I had the lead hearse run into me
at a stop light beause I had already started but the girl on the
motorcycle ahead of me stalled her engine so I had to stop abrupty
not to injure her, and the hearse driver was not paying attention.

I got out and looked at the dent in my hatch door. Then I looked
at all the cars behind him and just said to the driver:
"Fuck it. Have a nice day."