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Path: ...!!!!rocksolid2!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: fir <>
Newsgroups: comp.lang.c
Subject: Re: else ladders practice
Date: Mon, 04 Nov 2024 16:02:16 +0100
Organization: i2pn2 (
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To: Bart <>
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Bart wrote:
> On 04/11/2024 04:00, Tim Rentsch wrote:
>> fir <> writes:
>>> Tim Rentsch wrote:
>>>> With the understanding that I am offering more than my own opinion,
>>>> I can say that I might use any of the patterns mentioned, depending
>>>> on circumstances.  I don't think any one approach is either always
>>>> right or always wrong.
>>> maybe, but some may heve some strong arguments (for use this and not
>>> that) i may overlook
>> I acknowledge the point, but you haven't gotten any arguments,
>> only opinions.
> Pretty much everything about PL design is somebody's opinion.

overally when you think and discuss such thing some conclusions may do
appear - and often soem do for me, though they are not always very clear 
or 'hard'

overally from this thread i noted that switch (which i already dont 
liked) is bad.. note those two elements of switch it is "switch"
and "Case" are in weird not obvious relation in c (and what will it
work when you mix it etc)

what i concluded was than if you do thing such way

a {  }  //this is analogon to case - named block
b {  }  //this is analogon to case - named block
n()   // here by "()" i noted call of some wariable that mey yeild 
'call' to a ,b, c, d, e, f  //(in that case na would be soem enum or 
c(  ) //this is analogon to case - named block
d(  ) //this is analogon to case - named block

then everything is clear - this call just selects and calls block , and 
block itself are just definitions and are skipped in execution until 

this is example of some conclusion for me from thsi thread - and i think 
such codes as this my own initial example should be probably done such 
way (though it is not c, i know