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Newsgroups: sci.physics.relativity
Subject: Re: Time Dilation Can Only be Detected at Velocities Close to the Speed of Light
From: nospam@de-ster.demon.nl (J. J. Lodder)
Reply-To: jjlxa31@xs4all.nl (J. J. Lodder)
Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2024 17:46:42 +0100
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Mikko <mikko.levanto@iki.fi> wrote:

> On 2024-11-17 21:45:06 +0000, LaurenceClarkCrossen said:
> > Mikko: Then a difference in arrival times should have been detected in
> > the MMX at 30km/sec.
> According to some theories. Both special and general relavitiy predict
> zero. But so does FitzGerald's contraction theory, so the experiment
> does not tell about time dilation.

Right. MMX is a worthless experiment for learning about nature.
It's zero doesn't tell us anything much.
In the decades following it a great many theories were advanced
to 'explain' it.
Michelson himself for example thought that he had proved
complete aether dragging by the Earth.

Until Einstein 1905 put matters right of course,
and after that it had become a triviality,
not worth mentioning, because the answer is inmediately obvious,
