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Warning: mysqli::query(): Couldn't fetch mysqli in D:\Inetpub\vhosts\howardknight.net\al.howardknight.net\index.php on line 66
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From: WM <wolfgang.mueckenheim@tha.de>
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Le 06/05/2024 à 22:16, Jim Burns a écrit :
> On 5/6/2024 2:59 PM, WM wrote:
>> Le 05/05/2024 à 19:59, Jim Burns a écrit :
>>> On 5/3/2024 4:31 PM, WM wrote:
>>>> If all could be counted to,
>>>> they would not remain after every counted number.
> Of those which CAN be counted.to,
> each CAN be counted to.

Of course. But 
∀n which can be counted to: |ℕ \ {1, 2, 3, ..., n}| = ℵo.

>> Nevertheless almost all, namely ℵo, remain.
> Of those which CAN be counted.to,
> each CAN be counted to,
> and
> none remain after all which CAN be counted.to

Count to one that has less than ℵo numbers which cannot be counted to. 
> Of those which CAN be counted.to,
> each CAN be counted to,
> and
> none remain after all which CAN be counted.to,

Stop your unfounded claims. Show that you can count to a number which has 
less than ℵo successors. Fail.

Regards, WM