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Le 18/07/2024 à 22:34, joes a écrit :
> Am Thu, 18 Jul 2024 18:24:28 +0000 schrieb WM:

>> A claim for all x > 0 is a claim for all points of the interval (0, oo).
>> The claim "between 0 and every point of (0, oo) NUF(x) = ℵo" implies the
>> existence of ℵo unit fractions betwee 0 and (0, oo) and is false.
> How do you come up with with the "between 0 and (0, oo)"? The interval
> (0, 0) is empty anyway.

A claim of ℵo smaller unit fractions for all x > 0 is a claim of ℵo 
smaller unit for (0, oo) because the interval contains all x > 0 and 
nothing else. But at x = 0 there is no unit fraction.

Regards, WM