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From: HenHanna <HenHanna@dev.null>
Newsgroups: sci.lang
Subject: Re: Alien Day (26 April)
Date: Thu, 2 May 2024 10:05:09 +0000
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Ross Clark wrote:

> "...organized since 2016 by 20th Century Fox to promote the _Alien_ 
> franchise."

> "The date is a reference to the name of the moon where the aliens were 
> first discovered: LV-426."

> Feh.

> Crystal goes on about ideas of what languages of extra-terrestrial 
> creatures might be like, and actual ones that have been created, for movies and books.


> Francis Godwin (1562-1633), Bishop of Llandaf and of Hereford, wrote a 
> story of a voyage to the moon, where he describes the language of the 
> Lunars, which "consists not so much of Words and Letters, as Tunes and 
> strange Sounds...there are few Words but signify several Things, and and 
> are distinguished only by their Sounds, , which are sung as it were in 
> uttering; yea, many Words consist of Tunes only, without Words."

> This idea of linguistic Otherness as musical was apparently popular at 
> the time, and could well have been inspired by early accounts of the 
> tones of Chinese.
  Did you watch the Sci.Fi. movie with Amy Adams as the brilliant  Linguist  decoding  Alien language?
  When i was young,  i'd try to read a book entitled  LINCOS.

        Lincos: Design of a Language for Cosmic Intercourse. Part 1

The language developed by Freudenthal is called Lincos (his acronym for "lingua cosmica").

The book's author is called Hans Freudenthal. The book is called LINCOS and was published in 1960 by North-Holland Press (later absorbed by Springer Verlag).