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From: film.art@gmail.com (JanPB)
Newsgroups: sci.physics.relativity
Subject: Re: The Shapiro's experiment HOAX. A 1968 TIME article.
Date: Thu, 17 Oct 2024 21:30:59 +0000
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On Wed, 16 Oct 2024 10:11:13 +0000, Paul B. Andersen wrote:

> Den 14.10.2024 02:43, skrev rhertz:
>> I post the entire article, so you can have a laugh.
>> https://time.com/archive/6834981/physics-probing-einstein-with-radar/
> When you are done laughing, you can read Shapiro's paper.
> https://paulba.no/paper/Shapiro_1968.pdf
> But since you invariably fail to understand and always misinterpret
> what you read, it probably is no point in trying to read it.

It's weird that those without any capacity for X insist on doing X
(X = physics in this case).

Nothing Richard writes has anything to do with physics.  Instead, it
is some sort of elaborate fantasy a la Tolkien.
