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Path: ...!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: Dan Green <>
Subject: Re: Favourite Test Equipment
Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2024 23:36:27 +0100
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On Fri, 12 Apr 2024 06:04:45 +1000, Trevor Wilson
<> wrote:

>On 11/04/2024 11:55 pm, Phil Hobbs wrote:
>> On 2024-04-10 16:30, Trevor Wilson wrote:
>>> On 11/04/2024 3:42 am, Cursitor Doom wrote:
>>>> On Wed, 10 Apr 2024 11:40:02 +1000, Trevor Wilson
>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>> On 1/04/2024 4:41 am, Cursitor Doom wrote:
>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>> I'm starting to get a bit fed up with having my test equipment blow up
>>>>>> just when it's needed. This is the drawback with vintage gear; if it's
>>>>>> not used frequently then it can go *bang* the next time you switch it
>>>>>> on. It makes for good practice in repairing stuff, but wastes a lot of
>>>>>> time which could be better spent doing other things.
>>>>>> I think it's time I modernised my test gear. I was just wondering if
>>>>>> anyone has any recommendations they can share. Is there a particular
>>>>>> piece of test equipment you couldn't live without? Something you're
>>>>>> particularly impressed with? I'd be interested to know so I can
>>>>>> perhaps acquire said item and thereby reduce the number of explosions
>>>>>> I experience.
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> CD.
>>>>> **In my 55 years of servicing, I've only blown up one thing: A Micronta
>>>>> DMM, which I connected to a laser power supply. I should not have done
>>>>> it. Clear operator failure. Everything else works just fine. Even my
>>>>> first multimeter. A Sanwa U-50D my dad gave me on my 14th birthday.
>>>>> Still works fine. My first DMM. A cheap 'n cheerful SOAR. Works just
>>>>> fine. My first Fluke meter. A 40 year old Fluke 85. Works fine. I've 
>>>>> had
>>>>> to clean the switch a few times. Otherwise, no problems. Ditto my other
>>>>> 15 or so meters. Same deal with my 'scopes.
>>>>> I don't know what your problem is. Test equipment, when treated 
>>>>> properly
>>>>> lasts a long time.
>>>> To be fair, these "explosions" are typically capacitors: old, dried
>>>> -out electrolytics in test gear that hasn't been used in a long time
>>>> go bang when the power's switched on - as do old X2 safety caps. Those
>>>> are the chief culprits IME.
>>> **Oh, I see. You ignore regular maintenance. That makes sense. I hope 
>>> no one buys a car from you.
>> Whereas all you Ozites are 100% rational reasonable polite beings who 
>> are always on top of everything, including predicting the exact date 
>> when an old cap will give up the ghost.
>> Silly me for forgetting. ;)
>> Cheers
>> Phil Hobbs
>**The FIRST thing I do, when I acquire a new (second hand) piece of 
>equipment is to replace all the RIFA caps that are connected across the 
>mains I find. Then I carefully look for any signs of distress from 
>electros. After which, I experience no or few problems. Two items I 
>recently acquired (a Sound Technology 1000A and HP339A) were COMPLETELY 
>re-built with all new electros, as they are very old products. Most of 
>the electros measured acceptably well, but some were well below spec 
>(ESR). They now perform as new (better than new in the case of the 
>339A). OTOH, my recently acquired Panasonic VP-7721A required nothing 
>else but a new NiCad back-up battery. Performance was well beyond 
>specification. No RIFA caps either.
>Here is the distortion profile of 1kHz output from the Pana:
>I have no idea why the OP has so many problems with decent test 
>equipment, as test equipment tends to use superior quality components 
>when compared to domestic equipment. With the exception of RIFA caps.
>And the only product that ever failed when I switched on was a second 
>hand Tektronix 2267B, I acquired from the Japan a few years back. It 
>seems that the RIFA caps in the power supply had become accustomed to 
>the Japanese 100VAC mains and 'chucked a wobbly' when connected to our 
>Aussie mains supply. Much smoke and more than a little panic from me. 
>Hence, I now replace ALL RIFA caps on sight.

Ah - you're Australian. That explains a lot.