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From: hitlong@yahoo.com (gharnagel)
Newsgroups: sci.physics.relativity
Subject: Re: A short proof of the inconsistency of The Shit
Date: Wed, 28 Aug 2024 12:54:55 +0000
Organization: novaBBS
Message-ID: <804ab446cb019cfe1d370a16535a3774@www.novabbs.com>
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On Wed, 28 Aug 2024 5:42:04 +0000, Maciej Wozniak wrote:
> W dniu 28.08.2024 o 06:08, gharnagel pisze:
> >
>> Le 27/08/2024 à 16:51, Maciej Wozniak a écrit :
> > >
> > > No clocks were ever accelerated in any accelerator.
> > > It's an impudent lie believable only by fanatic idiots.
> >
> > This is another of Wozniak's multitudinous prevarications.
> > He tacitly accepts atomic clocks when he asserts his false
> > GPS t' = t baloney (t' is the time kept by the satellite
> > clock which is NOT t by design).  Atomic clocks keep time
> > by Cs-133 atoms, so atoms are clocks.
> No they are not, you simply don't know
> what a clock is, just like most (if not
> all) of relativistic idiots.
> https://www.istockphoto.com/pl/search/2/image-film?phrase=clock

Wozniak lacks sufficient vision and is woefully ignorant of
the information he worships:


"Atomic clock, type of clock that uses certain resonance
frequencies of atoms (usually cesium or rubidium) to keep
time with extreme accuracy.

So Wozniak is either an ignoramus or a congenital liar.
Not totally his fault.  His parents should have washed
L'il Wozzie's mouth out with soap much more often.

> And - anyone can check GPS, or TAI, or UTC
> -  atomic clocks don't keep "time by
> Cs-133 atom",  they keep something else.

Wozzie keeps something else: it's called lying.

> > > Anyway, your pathetic lies of zillions of
> > > experiments allegedly confirming the pathetic
> > > mumble of your idiot guru are completely irrelevant
> > > for this thread.
> >
> > Nope, Wozniak is doubly lying again: (1) Only a demented
> > fool or a congenital liar would deny the overwhelming
> > evidence for SR
> Or rather, any relativistic doggie will spit
> at anyone not kneeling before his beloved
> idiocies with all its might.

Woxniak is projecting his own despicable behavior as he
insults and slanders his way through his so-called life.

> >  and (2) SR cannot be irrelevant for this thread

> But the experiments allegedly confirming The Shit are.

L'il Wozzie is lying again.  It's easy to discern since
he deleted the rest of the argument:

> > where the OP was about what SR predicts for an
> > observer moving at c/2.

So experiments are the sine qua non of the validity of
any theory, including relativity.  L'il Wozzie's denial
of the copious experimental evidence is a sign of mental


"I’m in my bubble, and nothing like that happens here."

> The thread is about its inconsistent assumptions and
> inconsistent conclusions derivable from them.

So L'il Wozzie can conclude assumptions are inconsistent
without examining them?  Which assumptions are those?
What experiments support them?  What conclusions are
drawn from them that are "inconsistent"?

> Your precious  experiments are irrelevant here.

Says the congenital liar.

> > No, it presents a mental problem of a magnitude presented
> > in the movie, "They Might Be Giants."  Wozniak is Justin
> > Playfair and Hachel are Dr. Watson.  Hachel has been taken
> > in, just like Watson was.
> >
> >
> https://psychcentral.com/blog/grandiosity-and-delusion-grandeur#definition
> >
> > boast about real or exaggerated accomplishments
> > consider yourself more talented or intelligent than others
> > dismiss or try to one-up the achievements of others

Wozzie deleted a dangerous effect of delusions of grandeur:

> > fail to recognize that your actions could harm others

And Wozzie's delusional behavior has obviously harmed Hachel.

> Like - pretending that GPS clock are not real,

No one is saying that.  They are set so they will appear
correct on earth, which means they were set to run slow
before launch.  And just because a clock doesn't keep
the correct time doesn't mean it's unreal.  People set
their clocks ahead so they won't be late.  Wossie is
lying again.

> as they don't match one's sick delusions of "reality".

Says the congenital liar and reality denier.