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Path: ...!!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: Richmond <>
Subject: Re: Samsung account
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2024 01:26:51 +0000
Organization: Frantic
Message-ID: <>
References: <>
	<ust0b3$149uv$> <>
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AJL <> writes:

> On 3/14/24 4:18 PM, Richmond wrote:
>>AJL <> writes:
>>> On 3/14/24 3:03 PM, Richmond wrote:
>>>>AJL <> writes:
>>>>> On 3/14/24 2:08 PM, Richmond wrote:
>>>>>>I mostly use Firefox Focus with Javascript disabled.
>>>>> If you use the Samsung browser you can disable both Javascript AND
>>>>> all cookies. Likewise with the Dolphin browser.
>>>>Did you read the privacy policy? "We care about your privacy. We
>>>>transfer data to up to 277 third party providers..." :?
>>> Are you Arlen in disguise? Sorry, an inside joke. All I use the
>>> Samsung browser for is news reading. I leave the Javascript and
>>> cookies off to kill the pop-ups and other junk but leave the text and
>>> most still photos. If some alien computers are spying on what fake
>>> name AJL is reading it really doesn't bother me too much. But then
>>> AJL's paranoia level is pretty much nonexistant...
>>Not quite non existent if you are using a fake name. Did you walk into a
>>shop and pay cash for a second hand phone? buy your SIM card for 99p in
>>a supermarket?
> I'm not using a phone. I use this tablet for news reading. But even if I
> did, do you really think a browser knows and reports my sim??

It seems unlikely, but then I didn't say that. What I was thinking was
that Samsung would be able to identify you if you ordered the phone
(or device) and had it delivered to your house. Samsung might also be
able to pick up your phone number from your SIM card (if you had one)
and use that together with contact information from others to find your
name. I don't know if they actually do that or have any interest in
knowing who you are, they could sell advertising just with some unique
identifier. But they have tailored android and could have put stuff in
there to get information.

>Yup, you're
> either Arlen or Maryana for sure. I can tell by the paranoia level.
> Confess... ;)

I don't know how paranoid he is, but I use google chrome on my desktop
and I have even switched on their new ad choices thing, which I think is
quite a good solution to the problem of selling personalised advertising
without tracking. If I want to look up my medical conditions, or
anything which I think the government should not be so nosey (snoopers
charter) about, then I use TOR.