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From: Keith Thompson <Keith.S.Thompson+u@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: comp.lang.c
Subject: Re: A Famous Security Bug
Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2024 11:21:40 -0700
Organization: None to speak of
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References: <bug-20240320191736@ram.dialup.fu-berlin.de>
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Kaz Kylheku <433-929-6894@kylheku.com> writes:
> On 2024-03-22, Keith Thompson <Keith.S.Thompson+u@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Kaz Kylheku <433-929-6894@kylheku.com> writes:
>>> Since ISO C says that the semantic analysis has been done (that
>>> unit having gone through phase 7), we can take it for granted as a
>>> done-and-dusted property of that translation unit that it calls bar
>>> whenever its foo is invoked.
>> We can take it for granted that the output performed by the printf call
>> will be performed, because output is observable behavior.  If the
>> external function bar is modified, the LTO step has to be redone.
> That's what undeniably has to be done in the LTO world. Nothing that
> is done brings that world into conformance, though.
>>>> Say I have a call to foo in main, and the definition of foo is in
>>>> another translation unit.  In the absence of LTO, the compiler will have
>>>> to generate a call to foo.  If LTO is able to determine that foo doesn't
>>>> do anything, it can remove the code for the function call, and the
>>>> resulting behavior of the linked program is unchanged.
>>> There always situations in which optimizations that have been forbidden
>>> don't cause a problem, and are even desirable.
>>> If you have LTO turned on, you might be programming in GNU C or Clang C
>>> or whatever, not standard C.
>>> Sometimes programs have the same interpretation in GNU C and standard
>>> C, or the same interpretation to someone who doesn't care about certain
>>> differences.
>> Are you claiming that a function call is observable behavior?
> Yes. It is the observable behavior of an unlinked translation unit.

An unlinked translation unit has no observable behavior in the way that
term is defined by the standard.

> It can be observed by linking a harness to it, with a main() function
> and all else that is required to make it a complete program.
> That harness becomes an instrument for observation.

And a "call" instruction in a program consisting of a single translation
unit can be observed in a variety of ways.  That doesn't make it
"observable behavior".

Are you using the phrase "observable behavior" in a sense other than
what's defined in N1570


>> Are you saying that the "call" instruction generated for the function
>> call is *observable behavior*?
> Of course; it can be observed externally, without doing any reverse
> engineering on the translated unit.

Is the "call" instruction *observable behavior* as defined in


>> In phase 8:
>>     All external object and function references are resolved. Library
>>     components are linked to satisfy external references to functions
>>     and objects not defined in the current translation. All such
>>     translator output is collected into a program image which contains
>>     information needed for execution in its execution environment.
>> I don't see anything about required CPU instructions.
> I don't see anything about /removing/ instructions that have to be
> there according to the semantic analysis performed in order to
> translate those units from phases 1 - 7, and that can be confirmed
> to be present with a test harness.

The standard doesn't mention either adding or removing instructions.

Running a program under a test harness is effectively running a
different program.  Of course it can yield information about the
original program, but in effect you're linking the program with a
different set of libraries.

I can use a test harness to observe whether a program uses an add or inc
instruction to evaluate `i++` (assuming the CPU has both instructions).
The standard doesn't care how the increment happens, as long as the
result is correct.  It doesn't care *whether* the increment happens
unless the result affects the programs *observable behavior*.

What in the description of translation phases 7 and 8 makes
behavior-preserving optimizations valid in phase 7 and forbidden in
phase 8?  (Again, insert weasel words about unspecified behavior.)

Keith Thompson (The_Other_Keith) Keith.S.Thompson+u@gmail.com
Working, but not speaking, for Medtronic
void Void(void) { Void(); } /* The recursive call of the void */