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Path: ...!!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: Johanne Fairchild <>
Subject: Re: Command Languages Versus Programming Languages
Date: Fri, 29 Mar 2024 08:09:46 -0300
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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Lawrence D'Oliveiro <ldo@nz.invalid> writes:

> At one time, we distinguished between “scripting” languages and
> “programming” languages. [...] But there is one distinction that I
> think is still relevant, and that is the one between shell/command
> languages and programming languages.


Consider looking at a shell language like a domain-specific programming
language.  A shell is a programming language made specifically for
running programs.  When you write a shell line, you're specifying the
arguments of execve(2).  In other words, a shell is a programming
language made to prepare the memory to be consumed by the system in a
specific way---execve(2).  (Of course, the idea evolves and you want to
glue programs, do variable substitution et cetera.)

A scripting language is a programming language made for a hypothetical
machine, not too different from a programming language made for a real
machine, one made of hardware.

You seem to find trouble with using a programming language in a REPL.
It seems to contradict be the overall feeling of so many people who
understand a lot about programming---who made all of these things
actually work (and fun).