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Path: ...!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: Ben Bacarisse <>
Newsgroups: comp.lang.awk
Subject: Re: (Long post) Metaphone Algorithm In AWK
Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2024 00:58:06 +0100
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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Bytes: 2016 (Mike Sanders) writes:

> Ben Bacarisse <> wrote:
>> Using a word list, I found some odd matches.  For example:
>> $ echo "drunkeness indigestion" | awk -f metaphone.awk -v find=texas
>> drunkeness
>> indigestion
>> Are these really metaphone matches for "texas"?  It's possible (I don't
>> know the algorithm at all well) but I found it surprising.
> Ben, give this try when you can. Finally starting to wrap my mind around
> its usage a little more...

I don't know what your are asking for as this (your latest AWK) is not
just an implementation of the metaphone algorithm.  With the extra
Levenshtein test it "texas" matches only a few words.

However, if I remove the extra condition (that levenshtein($x, find) <=
2) your AWK code matches a different set of words to the C
implementation.  Looking a bit deeper, your AWK code give the code TKSS
to the word "texas" but the C code assigns is "TKS".
