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NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 29 May 2024 01:28:31 +0000
Subject: Re: Another Halting Problem Question (very difficult)
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On 29/05/2024 01:31, wij wrote:
> Revision:
> Does there exist a decision function sat that determines whether or not a
> terminating function bool f() (given as the argument of sat) returns true or
> not? IOW, sat(f)==true iff f()==true.
Yes.  A UTM meets your requirement, given that the input domain is limited to terminating functions 

> Is Rice's theorem (or GUR if you like) refuted?
No.  You may be thinking that identifying functions that return true is identifying a "semantic 
property of functions" as required for Rice.  But your requirement above is restricted to a domain 
containing only halting programs, so does not match Rice's theorem requirements.
