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Le 04/05/2024 à 05:18, Richard Damon a écrit :
> On 5/3/24 9:21 AM, WM wrote:

>> Every findable number has ℵo successors. ==> Not all can be found.
>> All natural numbers have no successors. ==> There are more.
> So, what is your actual definition of a "findable" number?

A number that can be put in trichotomy with its neighbours.
> How does that definition actually differ IN ITS DEFINITION from the 
> definition of the Natural Numbers?

The set of all natural numbers consists mainly of dark numbers. All 
numbers which can be put in trichotomy belong to a finite set 

∀n ∈ ℕ_def: |ℕ \ {1, 2, 3, ..., n}| = ℵo

which is followed by an infinite set the numbers of whch cannot be 
distinguished and which can only be manipulated collectively.

|ℕ \ {1, 2, 3, ...}| = 0 		

Regards, WM