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NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 04 Sep 2024 03:25:29 +0000
Subject: Re: Moment and Motion: hypercube distance
Newsgroups: sci.math,sci.logic,sci.physics.relativity
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From: Ross Finlayson <ross.a.finlayson@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 3 Sep 2024 20:25:40 -0700
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On 08/27/2024 01:48 PM, Ross Finlayson wrote:
> On 08/27/2024 04:48 AM, Python wrote:
>> Le 25/08/2024 à 17:55, Ross Finlayson a écrit :
>>> On 08/21/2024 01:01 PM, Ross Finlayson wrote:
>>>> On 08/21/2024 12:07 AM, Python wrote:
>>>>> Le 21/08/2024 à 03:32, Ross Finlayson a écrit :
>>>>>> On 08/14/2024 12:13 PM, Ross Finlayson wrote:
>>>>>>> On 08/14/2024 03:58 AM, Python wrote:
>>>>>>>> Le 14/08/2024 à 04:24, Ross Finlayson a écrit :
>>>>>>>>> On 07/30/2024 01:59 PM, Ross Finlayson wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> On 07/23/2024 01:03 PM, Ross Finlayson wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> On 07/17/2024 05:06 PM, Ross Finlayson wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> On 07/17/2024 02:01 PM, Jim Burns wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 7/17/2024 3:47 PM, Ross Finlayson wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Moment and Motion: theory overall
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BEpS_C7Yl2A
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Movement and change, quantification, universals, induction
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> limits of induction, Feynman lectures, mathematical physics,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> infinity and complements and reversals, law(s) of large
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> numbers,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> natural deduction, quantum mechanics, teleological
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> principles,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> thorough theory, comfort with canon, least action and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ubiquitous
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> levers, sum-of-histories sum-of-potentials, time and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> distance,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> distance and travel, gravity and perceived force, gravity and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> orbits,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gravity and shadow gravity, flux and book-keeping, real
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> potentials,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> time scales, cosmological theories, length scales, atomic
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> scale,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> normalization after quantization, continuum mechanics,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> four-field
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> theory, parallax and peripheral parallax, optical
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> non-linearity,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> photons
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and electron and wavelength, Angstrom and Planck scale,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> atomic
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> theory,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the terrestrial setting, probability, limit theorem(s),
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> law(s) of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> chance
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and uncertainty, uniformization, Bernoulli trials and Cantor
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> spaces,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> superclassical flow, question words, Heisenberg and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sampling and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> measurement and observer effects, experimental and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fundamental
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> theory, mathematics with infinity, monist dualism, "A
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Theory",
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Zeno's
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> swath, the stacks.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Your sentence no verb.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Did you (RF) have something you wanted to say ABOUT
>>>>>>>>>>>>> movement and change, ..., the stacks?
>>>>>>>>>>>> https://www.youtube.com/@rossfinlayson
>>>>>>>>>>>> Looks I've volunteered a hundred or two hours, of it.
>>>>>>>>>>>> This is in the context where there is line-continuity,
>>>>>>>>>>>> in the line, field continuity, on the line, and the
>>>>>>>>>>>> signal-continuity ABOUT the line.
>>>>>>>>>>>> What I've arrived at about motion and changes in motion
>>>>>>>>>>>> and the infinitely-many higher derivatives of displacement,
>>>>>>>>>>>> with respect to time, that is any change in motion,
>>>>>>>>>>>> is "Zeno's swath", a thought experiment where not only
>>>>>>>>>>>> does the arrow reach its target, it starts and ends
>>>>>>>>>>>> at rest.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Of course there's my tens of thousands of posts to
>>>>>>>>>>>> sci.math, sci.logic, and sci.physics.relativity.
>>>>>>>>>>>> All one theory, ..., "A Theory".
>>>>>>>>>>> Moment and Motion:  hybercube distance
>>>>>>>>>>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8nxBU-WVQI
>>>>>>>>>>> Zeno's swath integral, orders of acceleration, motion
>>>>>>>>>>> as rest to rest, length and distance, velocity and speed,
>>>>>>>>>>> arbitrary boxes, hypercubes, block hypermatrices, path
>>>>>>>>>>> integral, corners of the hypercube and the main diagonal,
>>>>>>>>>>> symmetry and reflection, zero and the trivial, hat-style
>>>>>>>>>>> analysis, hat-style as a complement to Fourier-style,
>>>>>>>>>>> sawtooth and the sigmoid, frame-spaces and space-frames,
>>>>>>>>>>> general relativity and conformal mapping, methods and
>>>>>>>>>>> means in analysis, projective and perspective, thinking
>>>>>>>>>>> over time, color, visible light, vision, parallax and peripheral
>>>>>>>>>>> parallax, light as geometric and optical, four optical
>>>>>>>>>>> responses,
>>>>>>>>>>> pigments' function, quantum theory, paleoclassical
>>>>>>>>>>> superclassical
>>>>>>>>>>> theory, atomic theory and electron physics, the model of
>>>>>>>>>>> electron
>>>>>>>>>>> orbitals, molecular chemistry and resonance theory, four
>>>>>>>>>>> conserved quantities, flux and flow, asymptotic freedom,
>>>>>>>>>>> quantum theories, light speed and free information,
>>>>>>>>>>> particle mechanics and quantum amplitudes, particles and rays,
>>>>>>>>>>> particles and beams, electrons and photons, reciprocals and
>>>>>>>>>>> addition formulae, the fluid model and liquid and electrical
>>>>>>>>>>> current, supermodels of wave theory, the phenomenological
>>>>>>>>>>> and observables, object sense and deductive infinity,
>>>>>>>>>>> multiplicity theory, zero as a sum, Zeno's bowstring and
>>>>>>>>>>> hat analysis, standard analysis.
>>>>>>>>>> Moment and Motion:  theory typing
>>>>>>>>>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZ88Qvxvc3M
>>>>>>>>>> Hypercube unit distance, dimensions and units, infinitely-many
>>>>>>>>>> higher orders, underdefinition in classical mechanics, finite
>>>>>>>>>> element
>>>>>>>>>> analysis, paleo-classical super-classical, vis-viva and
>>>>>>>>>> vis-motrix,
>>>>>>>>>> Zeno's theories, hypercubic and hyperbolic, hypercube and
>>>>>>>>>> hypocube,
>>>>>>>>>> moments and motions, object/subject distinction, maturation of
>>>>>>>>>> theory,
>>>>>>>>>> linear inductive curriculum, mathematical rigor and formalism,
>>>>>>>>>> constancy in definition, theory for itself, natural philosophy,
>>>>>>>>>> definition and formalism, extensionality and abstraction, qualia,
>>>>>>>>>> higher geometry, analysis and definitions of analysis, complex
>>>>>>>>>> analysis,
>>>>>>>>>> analysis situs, anaphora and cataphora, analytical bases and
>>>>>>>>>> analytical
>>>>>>>>>> bridges, instruction and curriculum, the acquisition of object
>>>>>>>>>> sense,
>>>>>>>>>> complex analysis and polar coordinates, hypercube distance and
>>>>>>>>>> modeling change, classical and linear theories, coordinates and
>>>>>>>>>> geometry,
>>>>>>>>>> axiomless natural deduction and axiomless geometry, unit
>>>>>>>>>> hybercube
>>>>>>>>>> distance.
>>>>>>>>> Moment and Motion: elementary singularity
>>>>>>>>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UiaXlMkre_g
>>>>>>>>> Time and differentiation, vision and the phi phenomenon,
>>>>>>>>> theory of mechanics and dynamics, parameterized and parametrized,
>>>>>>>>> hypercube distance, turns and angles, mathematics, the
>>>>>>>>> infinitary and
>>>>>>>>> super-standard, infinitary wholes, laws of convergence and large
>>>>>>>>> numbers,