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Path: ...!!!!not-for-mail
From: "Mickmane" <>
Newsgroups: rec.arts.drwho
Subject: Re: The Lemonade Treatment
Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2024 19:26:00 +0100
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On 13.03.24, Agent Jakanov  <> wrote:

> Which Doctor Who stories would you give the "lemonade treatment"?
> That is, make lemonades out of the lemon, which means to improve the
> taste or quality, either by rewriting it or making a follow up story
> that makes it look better.

Entire 11th Doctor replaced with a different actor. (And change the  
scene with the stuffing food into stupid face and spitting it back out.)

I hope AI will one day be able to do that. Could use the face of  
whatshisname Cumberbatch (from Sherlock) for example.

The absorbalov episode in 10th Doctor, change it to the nonames  
realizing what's happening and beating or capturing the baddie, then  
going on with doing fun things, before anyone gets absorbed. And put  
more Doctor into it.

I'd put more Doctor into Blink, too. And show what he and Martha have  
been doing with the bow and arrows.

13th Doctor, make sure everyone knows it's just the Master messing with  
the Doctor with that "regneration coming from other universe kid"  

I don't have enough other episodes in mind to add more. Maybe upon  
rewatching I'll add some stuff.

Mind, with Classic, it's generally just charming and cute, for being  
old... I think I'd have more survivors in general, though.

Oh, I remember something. Blonde curly haired Doctor (6th?) was at times  
yelling abusively and making the poor companion flinch. Didn't look  

