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Path: ...!!!!!!not-for-mail
From: "Mickmane" <>
Newsgroups: rec.arts.drwho
Subject: Re: Cartoon Logic
Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2024 16:51:00 +0100
Lines: 77
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References: <urf69e$1q9fe$> <usdpil$4o5$> <usepka$1l05o$> <useqnk$1l80n$> <usf9bl$1agd$> <ushbcb$28n8r$> <>
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On 14.03.24, Blueshirt  <> wrote:
> Mickmane wrote:
>> On 12.03.24, Blueshirt  <> wrote:

>>> Are you sure you spent your childhood on Earth?!
>> LOL.
>> I used to say I'm an alien, abandoned or forgotten here. :P

> An alien will fit in well here! RADW is the Liquorice all-sorts
> of Usenet.

Can I have chocolate instead? :)

>> But for this subject, I fail to see the importance of knowing
>> who made which comic. :)

> For men in their fifties it's completely irrelevant, for ten
> year old comic collectors it was a very serious business!!!

Hehe. I get that at least. :)

>> I couldn't tell you which company publishes Asterix & Obelix,
>> or Fix und Foxi, or Dennis the Menace either. That I know who
>> makes Mikey Mouse is just because it's so intrusively well
>> known, echoes even entered my cave. ;P

> I never read Asterix but I remember the cartoons on the TV. I
> wasn't really interested. Denis the Menace was BIG as was "The
> Beano" comic that he was in, but I couldn't tell you who
> published them either!

Yep, I read them, but couldn't remember what the actual comic was  
called. "The Beano" rings a (faint) bell though!

> He has become a legendary character though as I still hear people
> refer to naughty-ish boys by saying "he's a bit of a Denis the
> Menace"...

> Yes, I mean my mother! ;-)


My grandmother was more "Stop (whatever you're doing), the people are  
looking." at just wiggling my feet, bored at the bus station.

My so-called mother at some point said I need some elbows. But the only  
thing she ever did for me/my upbringing was (at the few times I lived  
with her) bullying me to eat vegetables. That was a good thing at least.  

>>> My FOOM membership card was one of my most treasure
>>> possessions... until I lost* it at school one day after
>>> taking it in to show off! I was devastated, long before I
>>> even knew what the word meant!!!
>>> * For lost read: Stolen by some snotty nosed little brat
>>> jealous because he didn't have cool stuff.
>> Boo.
>> Did you get it back?

> Nah.

> But I never took any of my comics in to school for break time
> and others to read. If they wanted to read about Spider-Man, the
> Fantastic Four or the X-Men, they could fuck off and buy their
> own comics.

Hehe, understandable!

