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NNTP-Posting-Date: Sat, 01 Jun 2024 20:26:52 +0000
Subject: Re: Casualties
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Sharx335 wrote:
> On 2024-06-01 6:00 a.m., The Iceberg wrote:
>> On 31/05/2024 20:11, Sharx335 wrote:
>>> On 2024-05-31 12:53 p.m., The Iceberg wrote:
>>>> On 31/05/2024 19:17, Sharx335 wrote:
>>>>> On 2024-05-31 11:40 a.m., *skriptis wrote:
>>>>>> Sharx335 <> Wrote in message:r
>>>>>>> On 2024-05-31 12:25 a.m., *skriptis wrote:> Sharx335 
>>>>>>> <> Wrote in message:r>> On 2024-05-30 9:06 p.m., 
>>>>>>> NefeshBarYochai wrote:> Casualties> > 36,224 + killed* and at 
>>>>>>> least 81,777 wounded in the Gaza Strip.*> > 520+ Palestinians 
>>>>>>> killed in the occupied West Bank and East> Jerusalem.**> > Israel 
>>>>>>> revised its estimated October 7 death toll down from 1,400 to> 
>>>>>>> 1,139.> > 636 Israeli soldiers have been announced killed since 
>>>>>>> October 7, and> at least 3,568 have been announced as 
>>>>>>> wounded.***> > *Gaza’s Ministry of Health confirmed this figure 
>>>>>>> on its Telegram> channel on May 26, 2024. Some rights groups 
>>>>>>> estimate the death toll to> be much higher when accounting for 
>>>>>>> those presumed dead.> > ** The death toll in the West Bank and 
>>>>>>> Jerusalem is not updated> regularly. According to the PA’s 
>>>>>>> Ministry of Health on May 26, this is> the latest figure.> > *** 
>>>>>>> These figures are released by the Israeli military, showing the> 
>>>>>>> soldiers whose names “were allowed to be published.” The number 
>>>>>>> of> Israeli soldiers wounded, according to Israeli media reports, 
>>>>>>> exceeds> 6,800 as of April 1.> A majority of Gazans CONTINUE to 
>>>>>>> support Hamas just as a majority of Germans supported Hitler 
>>>>>>> during WWII. Such is war. When countries/nations/groups are at 
>>>>>>> war, no  one there if free of risk, no matter how much OPPOSED 
>>>>>>> they are to their group's leaders. German casualties were 
>>>>>>> thousands of times greater than the Palestinian ones but all 
>>>>>>> Hitler had to do to STOP the casualties was to SURRENDER. Ditto 
>>>>>>> for Hamas. Surrender and almost immediately reconstruction and 
>>>>>>> full transport of supplies can commence.> > > > Surrender to 
>>>>>>> whom?> > Palestine was conquered by Israel in 1967 and has been 
>>>>>>> occupied ever since.> > > You are really fucking dense. Go back 
>>>>>>> and finish Grade One.
>>>>>> How can you surrender two times?
>>>>>> Imagine if the allies after conquering Germany in 1945 started 
>>>>>> moving their people and building British settlements in Bavaria, 
>>>>>> building American cities along the Rhine etc doing population 
>>>>>> replacement killing Germans and 54 years later, cca in 1999 
>>>>>> demanded that the Germans finally surrender or they'll continue 
>>>>>> with what they were doing all along since 1945?
>>>>> Apples and oranges. Imagine if the moon were made from green 
>>>>> cheese.WTF. One surrenders to whomever they were fighting. In this 
>>>>> case, Hamas "lays down its arms" to the controllers of the IDF, 
>>>>> i.e. the State of Israel. Play all the word games you 
>>>>> doesn't change the fact that Hamas are barbarian terrorists of the 
>>>>> worst order and that anyone who supports them is a "useful fool". 
>>>>> Plus being hopelessly naive, idealistic, and totally out to 
>>>>> lunch..let alone poorly educated as to the history of the are RIGHT 
>>>>> BACK to day one.
>>>> how come you don't say this about British government and the child- 
>>>> murdering IRA terrorists back in the 80's and 90's then? according 
>>>> to you we had every right to bomb the whole of Northern Ireland to 
>>>> get the terrorists who bombed London, Birmingham etc.
>>> Take your fucking are a candidate for the loonie 
>>> bin. What YOU suggest would be the same as Israel bombing Israel to 
>>> get rid of embedded Hamas/Hezbollah terrorists. Plus the fact that 
>>> the huge majority of people in Israel are NOT aiding and abetting the 
>>> terrorists. Northern Ireland is part and parcel of the United Kingdom 
>>> plus almost all the IRA symps in Northern Ireland are ghettoized into 
>>> specific areas...NOT Northern Ireland as a whole. Get real and get 
>>> educated, please.
>> how would it be the same as bombing Israel, you maroon? Northern 
>> Ireland is a separate island from England and as you say the 
>> terrorists are in generally in "separate areas", it's EXACTLY the same 
>> as Gaza area in fact it's prob about the same size, so we could've 
>> bombed those areas to bits. Why you are so cowardly on this one?
> Grow up and get a fucking education:The United Kingdom of Great Britain 
> and Northern Ireland (UK) is an island country that sits north-west of 
> mainland Europe. It is made up of mainland Great Britain (England, Wales 
> and Scotland) and the northern part of the island of Ireland (Northern 
> Ireland).
> In other words, NORTHERN IRELAND is just am much a part of the U.K. as 
> is Scotland, Wales, or England.

no you're not