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Message-ID: <Jx4ogSBQnQUGiIj4oQSTCYQhlK4@jntp>
JNTP-DataType: Article
Subject: Re: A discussion of 'Tachyons, the 4-momentum ...'
References: <> <j3f1ccBcOPWkaLCVw-N3SGdc830@jntp>
Newsgroups: sci.physics.relativity
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Date: Thu, 03 Oct 24 18:09:08 +0000
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From: Richard Hachel <>
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Le 03/10/2024 à 19:30, (gharnagel) a écrit :
> On Thu, 3 Oct 2024 12:36:27 +0000, Richard Hachel wrote:
>> What must be understood in special relativity is that the photon IS
>> already a tachyon since it moves infinitely fast; since it IS an
>> instantaneous energy transaction in the hyperplane of simultaneity of
>> the receiver.
> Monsieur Hachel, it pains me that I must disagree with you, for you
> have conflated the frame of the photon (within which no red-blooded
> human composed of tardyons can be at rest) with the frame in which
> red-blooded humans CAN be at rest.  Photons are generally-believed
> to experience no time, hence what you assert is true - in THAT frame.
> However, in the frames which we poor, slow tardyon slugs lounge in
> comfort, time does indeed pass.  Even we poor slugs measure the
> speed of photons as 299796458 meters/second in vacuum, thus we are
> painfully aware that light crawls along so slowly that true tachyons
> (i.e., those particles that we poor humans would measure traveling
> faster than those slow photons) MUST exist because the universe is
> such a really, really absurdly BIG place.
> I'm really, really sorry that you have deluded yourself.

Monsieur Harnagel,
I don't mind that you disagree with me, and I respect your way of 
Thank you for your post and the clarifications you give me.
But don't worry about me, I have too many decades of thinking behind me to 
go back on what I said, and what I believe to be true.
You tell me, if I understand correctly, that in the laboratory frame of 
reference, a certain amount of time passes between the emission of the 
photon at A (in a tube for example) and its reception at B, on the other 
side of the tube.
In short, that if time is zero for the photon itself (on the back of which 
we have placed a heavy 120 kg clock that will measure zero time), it is 
not the same for ALL points in the laboratory, and that all these points, 
if AB is 3 meters then all will measure t=10 nanoseconds.
That's exactly what you're saying.
On this, I do not follow you, and I would like you to understand my 
thinking, not so that I can brag, but because it is very important to 
Each point of the laboratory, in Newtonian physics, and even in 
Einsteinian physics, has the same hyperplane of present time,
the same hyperplane of supposed simultaneity.
However, this is no longer true in relativistic physics of the Hachel type 
(that's me).
Everything will depend on the POSITION of the observer in the laboratory 
frame of reference.
Thus the receiver who will collect the photon, will consider that the 
transfer time is zero although being in the laboratory, whereas in the 
hyperplane of the source, the transfer will take place in 20 real 
It is only a "neutral", transversal observer, having placed a watch at A 
and another at B, will measure t=10 ns.
Strangely, this evidence disorients men, who are not inclined to think of 
things other than very superficially.
Yet it is pure logic, physics, mathematics and experimentation.
