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Le 18/07/2024 à 04:15, Richard Damon a écrit :
> On 7/17/24 10:43 AM, WM wrote:

>> Can you explain how NUF(x) can increase from 0 to many more in one point 
>> x although all unit fractions are separated by finite distances of 
>> uncountably many x each?
> Because is isn't a properly defined function.

What do you miss in its definition?
> It has no finite value for any finite value of x > 0.

Then basic mathematics is false. ∀n ∈ ℕ: 1/n - 1/(n+1) > 0 shows 
that every unit fraction occupies its own point.
> Thus, one need no figure how it gets from 0 to any other number, since 
> it doesn't.

Does it go from 0 to ℵo? How can that happen?

Regards, WM