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Path: ...!fu-berlin.de!uni-berlin.de!individual.net!not-for-mail
From: Janet <nobody@home.com>
Newsgroups: sci.lang,alt.usage.english
Subject: Re: OT: Converting miles/km
Date: Sun, 22 Sep 2024 13:36:03 +0100
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In article <vcontv$25id6$1@dont-email.me>, 
rundtosset@lundhansen.dk says...
> Aidan Kehoe wrote:
> >  > Should the state force people to have that implant to save a proportion of
> >  > them from illness and premature death?
> > 
> > The state almost certainly shouldn?t be spending the money to implant this in
> > everyone, I?d rule it out for that reason. But on pure medical grounds, no,
> > people have a right to bodily autonomy, it is unethical to make such a thing
> > mandatory. If a life insurance company were to offer reduced premiums to people
> > willing to have such a sensor, that would be fine.
> The comma after "no" is quite important. I missed it in my first reading
> and got confused when I got to the text after the next comma.
> My insurance company has given me the option to let them monitor my
> driving which I accepted. If I drive carefully, the premium will be
> reduced. I score 8 out of ten with my normal driving.

  Excellent idea; one day all car insurers will work like 
