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From: Dr Engelbert Buxbaum <engelbert_buxbaum@hotmail.com>
Newsgroups: comp.text.tex
Subject: Re: Cyrillic in BIbTeX
Date: Wed, 20 Nov 2024 23:01:04 +0100
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In article <vhi8dg$1sngj$1@dont-email.me>, dieterhansbritz@gmail.com 
> I know about setting \newcommand{cyr}... and then using
> \cyr{text}, but the text is inside a bib-file. So if I
> set that command in the manuscript and cite an article
> for which the bib-file contains the cyrillic word in a
> note, will BibTeX know about it? Or how do I do it?

One solution is described in 

A more modern approach would use polyglossia instead of babel, and then

