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Subject: Vermont: Free Home Downpayments, But Not for Whites
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It's called the Homeownership Down Payment Program and it provides a
$25,000 forgivable loan only to buyers who are black, indigenous or people
of color who are buying a permanently affordable home through the Champlain
Housing Trust or its partner agencies across the state.

There are plenty of low income white people who could use a leg up to help
buy a home but they're shit out of luck in Vermont, where they'll be told
they have the wrong skin color to access that benefit.

I wonder how they'll treat someone who is half-white and half-black? Maybe
it goes by looks. If you look black enough, like Obama, you get the loan.
If your white parent's genes came through, then no loan for you.

Of course there's no way this is legal under federal civil rights law and
the 14th Amendment, but if you're a 'progressive' such things don't concern

If you find yourself wondering whether one of these race-based prog ideas
would be constitutional or not, just ask yourself if the races were
reversed-- a program for home loans that's only available for white
people-- and if your first reaction is, of course that wouldn't be legal,
then you have your answer. The legalities don't change when the races are

It's not even a close call, legally. The proponents of this kind of thing
also often openly admit it's discrimination, helpfully providing all the
evidence against them that you'd need in court. Sure it's racial
discrimination, they say, but you deserve it. That's what you get for being
white when there was slavery centuries ago that you had nothing to do with.

But that doesn't hold up in court. Even moviePig's 14 1/2 Amendment doesn't
say, "Racial discrimination is not allowed unless they have it coming."

What needs to happen is that the victims of discrimination in programs like
these-- the white people-- need to start suing. A few have, here and there
around the country, and when they do, they easily win. But the lawsuits
need to be more widespread and instantaneous whenever this racial nastiness
rears its ugly head. Shut it down immediately.