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NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 29 May 2024 23:30:37 +0000
Date: Wed, 29 May 2024 19:30:36 -0400
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From: bad sector <>
Subject: Re: It's a myth that cellphone use caused the accident rate to rise
 in the USA
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On 5/29/24 17:57, Andrew wrote:

> If you believe that the accident rate in the USA has shown any direct
> effect (either up or down) due to the tremendously different fact that
> cellphones went from 0% saturation to nearly 100% in only a few years....
> You're not going to find that supposed direct effect in the actual facts.

Technically that is correct because accident statistics limited to 
reported accidents cannot in any way be linked to any data limited to 
general cell-phone ownership. Yet legislators are nixing TV in the front 
seat but not digital displays 'not necessary' to operation (replacing 
necessary steam-gauge dials); they have climbed down from the tree and 
are now walking on three, a few more miles to go.