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Subject: Re: Japanese ex-PM Abe killed with homemade gun
From: BillB <>
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On Friday, July 8, 2022 at 6:01:25 PM UTC-7, Popinjay wrote:
> On Friday, July 8, 2022 at 5:49:29 PM UTC-7, Alim Nassor wrote:=20
> > Even if guns were readily available in Japan, I'd wager shootings would=
 still be much rarer there than here. It's a cultural thing. Not a Chicago =
slum area or New Orleans shithole neighborhood in the country.
> Exactly right. Japanese culture is totally different. If there was any po=
int to my post, it's that guns can be made anywhere. Even in jail they can =
make guns. You can't uninvent guns. I guess that's over BillB's head.

No, it doesn't go over my head at all. But what can be done and what will b=
e done are two very different things. That seems to go over your head. And =
you're right, it is the culture. The fanaticism over guns in the US is unus=
ual and weird. Citizens of wealthy Western countries with serious gun regul=
ations also know how to make guns, but they don't. The US has something lik=
e 400 million guns now. You'll never be able to control them directly with =
new laws. That's a given. But laws do change culture. They are an expressio=
n of a society's values, and when people grow up with them those values ten=
d to become ingrained in the culture. So the US started off on the wrong fo=
ot with respect to guns, and it hasn't corrected course. And Americans have=
 been living the consequences of that bad decision-making  for as long as I=
've been alive, at least. To make matters worse, it's a feedback loop situa=