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From: hitlong@yahoo.com (gharnagel)
Newsgroups: sci.physics.relativity
Subject: Re: SpaceTime
Date: Sun, 2 Jun 2024 12:48:40 +0000
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Thomas Heger wrote:
> Am Samstag000001, 01.06.2024 um 15:35 schrieb gharnagel:
> >
> > Tom Roberts wrote:
> > >
> > > Spacetime is a MODEL of spatial-temporal relationships observed in
> > > the real world.
> > >
> > > Tom Roberts
> > 
> > I tend to think of physics that way, too, but I was watching this
> > episode of How the Universe Works called "The Mystery of Space Time"
> > and had a few issues with it:
> > 
> > "Space-time is the fabric of our reality"
> > 
> > "The universe is made of space-time"
> > 
> > "Whatever the substance is, time and space bound together, that's
> > expanding
> > and creating the universe we see around us.  It's everything.
> Space-time
> > is what the universe really is."
> Well, sounds good!

Since we don't really understand what "space-time" is, we're not nailed
down to a particular mindset.  I believe that the equations of GR are
correct than the notion of space-time.

“spacetime is likely to be an approximate description of something
different.” – Steven Carlip

That's not saying GR is absolutely correct, either.

> I had written kind of 'book' about this idea and called it 'structured 
> spacetime'.
> This can be found here:
> https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Ur3_giuk2l439fxUa8QHX4wTDxBEaM6lOlgVUa0cFU4/edit?usp=sharing
> The idea behind it is quite simpel:
> if GR and QM are somehow valid, there must be a way to bring both 
> systems into a consistent relation.
> My own approach was: start at the GR side and with some sort of real 
> existing spacetime.

Or one could start from the QM side.  Might the virtual particle sea be
the basis of space-time?

> The observed world is then the local 'subchapter', which is seen from 
> where we (or any other observer) are placed.
> This world has to have fewer dimensions than spacetime.

Aren't dimensions just a human way of looking at reality?  Anyway, I
have a hard time dispensing with them :-)  I would say that our
of reality probably needs more than four dimensions.

> Spacetime must also be coordinates free and having no beginning and no
> end.

If you look at the Schwarzschild metric:

ds^2 = (1 - 2GM/rc^2)c^2 dt^2 - dr^2/(1 - 2GM/r) - r^2 dOmega^2

and apply it to the whole universe, rs = 2GM/c^2 is MANY orders of
larger than the purported size of the universe.  So the notion that
is limited to how far the expansion has proceeded is ludicrous.