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Path: ...!!!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail From: (gharnagel) Newsgroups: sci.physics.relativity Subject: Re: Space and spacetime Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2024 16:00:16 +0000 Organization: novaBBS Message-ID: <> References: <v4k05l$3agjr$> <IZqLWu0r1pGumkx88v-OnXgTbLY@jntp> <> <ayoldiJgLa7QaSPmKBZeM5tyhng@jntp> <> <lcUcDbWtK0WeTGWawNs9QhziP2s@jntp> <> <0_2RlZkEX7ZgJnjVZbx6GZo_ilk@jntp> <17da0f7c0f2b5328$153561$441546$> <> <17da1b3b4c16dc2c$49683$431754$> <> <17da22baf80d7cc4$38419$437843$> <> <17da3a248be65204$38420$437843$> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Injection-Info:; logging-data="509633"; mail-complaints-to=""; posting-account="2U0RwOYzNU+ijpgbVXd5Zmcos0AIe32+I2dWAQYE4iw"; User-Agent: Rocksolid Light X-Rslight-Site: $2y$10$Iwaj9PO8mGlrW8D72mswJ.rdGR2wWI1p0vOLfItBk/apAXyweTFMa X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 4.0.0 X-Rslight-Posting-User: 47dad9ee83da8658a9a980eb24d2d25075d9b155 Bytes: 7036 Lines: 173 Maciej Wozniak wrote: > > W dniu 18.06.2024 o 20:06, gharnagel pisze: > > > > Maciej Wozniak babbled: > > > > > > Your moronic religion is persuading you that they are superhuman > > > demigods free of the weaknesses of ordinary mortal worms. > > > But only such an idiot as you are can believe that. > > > > Repeating lies doesn't make them true. > > Too bad for you, your Shit, your idiot gurus > and your lies of nature itself speaking to you. Says the inveterate liar :-)) > > > > > Your moronic religion is persuading you that they are > superhuman > > > > > demigods free of the weaknesses of ordinary mortal worms > > > > Wozzie seems to forget that he already posted this. Demented. > > No I didn't. "Didn't" what? Forget? posted? Wozzie is getting velutinous. > Lying and slandering. Says the congentital liar and slanderer :-)) > > > > Wozzie's weaknesses are evident. He judges the scientific world > > > > by his own foibles, but he conveniently forgets that science > works > > > > by verification > > > > > > Only such an idiot, again, can believe such > > > an absurd lie. > > > > Why does Wozzie always talk about himself? > I'm not. Yeah, you are. You're so fuzzy-brained you don't even realize it. > I don't believe these absurd lies > of youre moronic religion at all. Wozzie is just SO certain about his beliefs :-)) "Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd. -- Voltaire “In order to attain the impossible, one must attempt the absurd.” – Miguel de Cervantes “The most absurd and reckless aspirations have sometimes led to extraordinary success.” -- Luc de Clapiers “Only those who attempt the absurd will achieve the impossible. I think it's in my basement... let me go upstairs and check.” – M. C. Escher > > > Science is an informational system, VERY > > > advanced, VERY complicated and for sure too > > > complicated for demented DK cranks > > > > like Wozzie-fool. Ah, Wozzie agrees that he is a demented DK crank. That's progress. > > > > Only such an idiot as Wozzie-fool believes > > > > he himself has the keys of truth and justice. > > > > > > Unfortunately, I don't. > > > > Then stop acting like you do. Wozzie is just SO certain that his demented beliefs are true. > > > Still I have years of experience with informational > > > systems > > > > and I have years of experience with physics, engineering > > and mathematics > > Science is neither physical nor mathematical > nor engineering construct, An idiot something like Wozzie posted on the old Yahoo board claiming that he reduced "relativists" to silence with his arguments against relativity. He also claimed that mathematics was the "king of science" :-)) Now we have Wozzie-stupe claiming that physics isn't physical :-)) And even more stupid that it's not mathematical. Wozzie is such a silly fool! > however. You're only speaking about it with your absurd arrogance - > because you are a DK idiot. Says the perfect example an arrogant ass. > > The problem with Wozzie is that he's like a man with a > > hammer who thinks that every problem is a nail. > > No, the problem is that apart of barking, lies, slanders Says the perfect example of barking, lying and slandering. > Harrie has nothing to say in the defence of his absurd beliefs. Says Wozzie who holds indefensible absurd beliefs. > > > To justify that you're a complete idiot > > > mumbling, that the foundation of science > > > is not about what is written - because > > > it's about what is written about[something] > > > > Wozzie isn't making sense, as usual. > And you're, as usual, a complete idiot > mumbling, that the foundation of science > is not about what is written - because > it's about what is written about[something] Oh, my! More lying and slandering from Wozzie-fool who believes his indefensible absurd beliefs to be absolute truth ?-)) > > > Nope, poor idiot Harrie simply doesn't know > > > what a definition is. No surprise, of course. > > > > Wozzie-fool pontificates a bull-poop definition for > > science, then claims it's not a definition. :-)) > > And it's not. Poor idiot Harrie simply doesn't know > what a definition is. No surprise, of course. "the action or the power of describing, explaining, or making definite and clear" So Wozzie admits he wasn't describing science or making a clear statement about science. Exactly what I've been saying: Wozzie is a fuzzy-brained incompoop. > > > > Wozzie finally spoke the truth: he NEVER listens to > > > > what nature says. > > > > > > And that's because for those billions of years > > > it has never said a word. > > > > Au contraire. Only those who listen aren't so arrogant > > as Wozzie-pompous. > > Sorry, trash. > Your idiot gurus simply have fabricated that - like > other religious maniacs have fabricated gods speaking > to them. “And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.” --- Friedrich Nietzsche The problem is that Wozzie is deaf to reality. > > He ignores the music of the cosmos to dwell in > > his self-created hades. > > It's not any music of cosmos, it's just a song > of a bunch of idiots. "When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the losers. -- Socrates