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From: hitlong@yahoo.com (gharnagel)
Newsgroups: sci.physics.relativity
Subject: Re: Sync two clocks
Date: Mon, 19 Aug 2024 23:33:07 +0000
Organization: novaBBS
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On Mon, 19 Aug 2024 23:15:28 +0000, Richard Hachel wrote:
> Le 19/08/2024 à 22:32, "Paul.B.Andersen" a écrit :
> >
> > Below I show how two real clocks in the real world can be
> > synchronised, strictly according to Einstein's method.
> >
> > We have to equal clocks C_A and C_B. They are not synced in any way,
> > but they are using the same time unit, let's call it second.
> > The clocks run at the same rate.
> >
> > In our very big, inertial lab, we have two points A and B which are
> > separated by some distance. Let's call the transit time for light
> > to go from A to B is x seconds. We will _define_ that the transit time
> > is the same from B to A. (This follows from Einstein's definition
> > of simultaneity).
> >
> > At point A we have:
> > Clock C_A, a light-detector, a flash-light and a computer.
> > The computer can register the time shown by C_A when
> > the flash-light is flashing, and when the light-detector
> > registers a light-flash.
> >
> > At point B we have:
> > Clock C_B, a light-detector, a mirror and a computer.
> > The computer can register the time shown by C_B when
> > the light-detector registers a light-flash.
> >
> > In the following we will synchronise clock C_B to clock C_A.
> > That is, we will adjust clock C_B so it become synchronous
> > with clock C_A.
> >
> > Now we let the flash-light at point A flash.
> > At this instant, C_A is showing tA = n seconds.
> > tA is measured by C_A at A.
> >
> > When the flash hits the light-detector at B,
> > Clock C_B shows tB = m seconds.
> > tB is measured by C_B at B.
> >
> > A short time later the light detector at A registers
> > the light reflected by the mirror at B.
> > At this instant Clock C_A shows t'A = n + 2x seconds.
> > t'A is measured by C_A at A.
> >
> > Einstein:
> >   "The two clocks synchronise if  tB − tA = t'A − tB."
> >
> > Or: tB = (tA + t'A)/2 = (n+n+2x)/2 = (n + x)
> >
> > That is, to be synchronous clock C_B must show a time midway
> > between tA and t'A when the light is reflected by the mirror.
> > So  tB should show (n + x) seconds when the light is reflected
> > by the mirror.
> > But at that instant tB is showing m seconds, so to make the two
> > clocks synchronous, we must adjust clock C_B by:
> >   δ = (n-m) + x seconds.
> >
> >
> > After this correction, we have:
> >
> >   tB  − tA = (m - n) seconds +  δ     = x seconds
> >   t'A − tB = (n + 2x - m) seconds - δ = x seconds
> >
> > The clocks are now synchronised.
> >
> > Please explain what in the above you find impossible
> > to do in your lab.
> I have explained these things a hundred times.

And your explanation has been refuted millions of times :-))

> It is impossible to synchronize two watches A and B located
> in different places.

“There is no point in using the word 'impossible' to describe
something that has clearly happened.” – Douglas Adams

> It is not a technical problem, it is not a problem of
> intelligence, it is simply that it is as impossible as
finding a round square, or a natural number between 5
> and 6.  Because nature is not made like that.

“There is no point in using the word 'impossible' to describe
something that has clearly happened.” – Douglas Adams

> Anyone who wants to synchronize watches with each other does
> not realize that he is looking for rabbit horns.


> The only thing we can do is to find a kind of abstract,
> imaginary synchronization procedure, called the Einstein
> procedure where tAB is supposed to be equal to tBA

How can tAB not be equal to tBA for light is vacuum?

> not only for the point M which is the only real origin of
> the synchronization, but for everyone.

If tAB = tBA, then Paul's procedure works.  If tAB <> tBA,
then your point M method won't work either.

> We then have a useful procedure, but false.

I set my watch to my wall clock months ago and it's still
in sync.  You're spouting baloney, Richard.

> [Rest of misinformed baloney deleted]