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NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2024 21:13:36 +0000
From: BTR1701 <>
Subject: Re: Inconvenient lefties
References: <utks3h$35980$> <uu1tr4$31i95$>
User-Agent: MT-NewsWatcher/3.5.3b3 (Intel Mac OS X)
Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2024 14:21:29 -0700
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In article <uu1tr4$31i95$>,
 "Adam H. Kerman" <> wrote:

> Last Friday, a Chicago alderman (there are cockroaches with higher social
> standing) gave a speech at a rally outside city hall condemning Biden
> and support for Israel in the war against Hamas. A veteran had burned a
> special American flag

Why is it that burning the American flag is protected speech, but if you 
burn an Alphabet Mafia rainbow flag, you can get arrested for a hate 

> part of the protest, and there were signs protesting that the Democratic
> National Convention (to nominate the president) is being held in Chicago.
> The alderman gave his speech in front of the burnt flag. There's plenty
> of video showing the flag lying on the pavement next to the alderman.
> When the videos were shown and other aldermen expressed horror, he
> started denying that he'd given the speech in front of the flag 'cuz
> gaslighting always works.

They literally deny reality right in front of you and expect you to 
believe it.