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NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 21 May 2024 18:36:04 +0000
From: BTR1701 <>
Subject: Re: "Open fields" doctrine
References: <v2iju7$mhk3$>
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Date: Tue, 21 May 2024 11:45:37 -0700
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In article <v2iju7$mhk3$>,
 "Adam H. Kerman" <> wrote:

> Recently, I started two different threads that addressed issues related
> to warrantless search and seizure. Other related concepts are the
> exclusionary rule and the extent to which this applies in criminal
> matters or certain civil matters as well. Furthermore, is there a
> relationship between warrantless search and seizure and the law of
> trespass?
> The "plain view" doctrine wasn't at issue in these situations because
> the contraband or building code/zoning violation wasn't obvious without
> the trespass.
> In one thread, the landowner lost on appeal. He had no expectation of
> privacy from drone overflights gathering evidence of code violations in
> a situation in which the landowner had previously agreed to comply with
> code but had never agreed to continuing inspections.
> In another thread, the landowner won a partial victory in which state
> game wardens could not trespass to place wildlife cameras hoping to
> catch hunting violations.
> Where does the landowner have an expectation of privacy? Where the
> "open fields doctrine" applies, he has no expectation of privacy.

But a landowner does still have legal dominion and control over the 
property, so while he may not have a right to privacy in those open 
fields, he does have the legal right to evict trespassers as he finds 
them. So if he comes across a cop trespassing on his land, while he may 
not have a privacy or 4th Amendment claim against the cop, he does have 
the legal right to tell him to get the hell off his land.