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Path: ...!!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail From: Bernd Rose <> Newsgroups: Subject: 40tude Dialog: Export Script for current group or folder (including Sent) Date: Thu, 9 May 2024 19:36:01 +0200 Message-ID: <aylrfcz3m7l2$> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Injection-Info:; logging-data="86963"; mail-complaints-to="" User-Agent: 40tude_Dialog/ (e842d78c.124.328) Cancel-Lock: sha1:JgbhGbY5sT/mOsuiR60LIVab4iI= X-User-ID: eJwNx0kBwDAIBEBLnAvIISH4l9DOb1zBuGFwmK/v5EHSNX57pm7J4KFTdSbSknxYTJpLz+o+Fr75j5pfKVDhE6QaHeJVsh/QPhkX Bytes: 8758 Lines: 241 After the quick & dirty solution I created yesterday for Mickey follows here a bit more sophisticated script version. It still does not (can not!) take all eventualities into account. But in trying to recreate an envelope-From (with specific settings mentioned in the comment header of the script) and escaping (including already escaped) occurrences of "From " inside the body text (only after empty lines) it also can be used to export into more or less *.mbox compatible files. (Even from Sent folder, which is excluded from normal *.mbox export in Dialog.) Maybe, this script is useful for some other Dialog users, as well... ;-) Bernd ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Export messages from current Dialog folder to text file. // // View and filter settings are respected. Collapsed threads are // (temporarily) expanded to include all messages. // // Empty messages (= without body etc.) are skipped. If the last // message in the current header list is empty, the export is // likely to be incomplete. (Stops at the first _other_ message // without body.) // // Appropriate message viewing options should be activated before // executing the script (= "text/plain" with "Show all Headers" or // "Raw message view" activated or off). // // Settings [DividerChar = ' '], [EmptyRows = 0] and [IsRaw = True] // should create an (more or less) *.mbox-compatible file, when the // "Raw message view" style is activated prior to the export. // ("Show all message headers" style for Sent folder.) Program ExportMessages; Uses StdCtrls, Forms, Textfile; Const FilePath = 'C:\Temp\'; // include backslash last character FileExtension = '.txt'; // include leading dot character FileNamePrefix = '4D_'; DividerChar = '='; // use ' ' for omitting (EmptyRows will only applied once) EmptyRows = 1; // number of empty rows prior and after divider line IsRaw = False; // True: swap rows 1 and 2 (to get From before Path) SeeProgress = True; // False: display updates are disabled // (faster, but somewhat intrasparent) Var iCount: Integer; iCountEmpty: Integer; bFirst: Boolean; bLastIsEmpty: Boolean; sGroupName: String; sFileName: String; sDateTime: String; sDivider: String; txtForm: TForm; txtMemo: TMemo; txtMemo_Last: TMemo; txtMemo_Print: TMemo; sMsg: String; Function EmptyClipboard:boolean; external 'EmptyClipboard@user32.dll stdcall'; Function OpenClipboard(hWndNewOwner: INTEGER):boolean; external 'OpenClipboard@user32.dll stdcall'; Function CloseClipboard:boolean; external 'CloseClipboard@user32.dll stdcall'; Procedure ClearClipboard; Begin OpenClipboard(0); EmptyClipboard; CloseClipboard; end; Procedure InitMemos; Begin txtForm := TForm.Create(Nil); txtMemo := TMemo.Create(txtForm); txtMemo.Parent := txtForm; txtMemo.Width := 30000; // max [pixels] (reduces auto-wrap for long lines) txtMemo_Last := TMemo.Create(txtForm); txtMemo_Last.Parent := txtForm; txtMemo_Last.Width := 30000; txtMemo_Print := TMemo.Create(txtForm); txtMemo_Print.Parent := txtForm; txtMemo_Print.Width := 30000; End; Function DividerLines(): String; var iCnt: Integer; sTmp: String; Begin For iCnt := 1 To EmptyRows Do sTmp := sTmp + #13 + #10; If DividerChar = ' ' Then Result := sTmp + #13 + #10 Else Result := sTmp + StringOfChar(DividerChar, 80) + sTmp + #13 + #10; End; Function GetGroupName(): String; Var sTmp: String; iPos: Integer; Begin ADo('NewgroupPane'); ClearClipboard; ADo('Copy'); txtMemo.Clear; txtMemo.PasteFromClipboard; sTmp := txtMemo.Lines[0]; Repeat iPos := Pos(#09, sTmp); sTmp := Copy(sTmp, iPos + 1, Length(sTmp) - iPos); Until iPos = 0; Result := sTmp; End; Procedure InitPrintMemo; Var iRow: Integer; iCnt: Integer; iLength: Integer; bEmpty: Boolean; sPrefix: String; sFrom: String; sDate: String; Begin txtMemo_Print.Text := txtMemo.Text; If IsRaw Then Begin bEmpty := False; // Escape Pseudo-Envelope-From in message body For iRow := 0 To txtMemo.Lines.Count - 1 Do Begin iLength := Length(txtMemo.Lines[iRow]); If bEmpty And (iLength > 4) Then For iCnt := iLength - 4 DownTo 0 Do Begin sPrefix := StringOfChar('>', iCnt) + 'From ' If Pos(sPrefix, txtMemo.Lines[iRow]) = 1 Then Begin txtMemo_Print.Lines[iRow] := '>' + txtMemo.Lines[iRow]; Break; End; End; bEmpty := iLength = 0; End; // Try to recreate an Envelope-From: For iRow := 0 To txtMemo.Lines.Count - 1 Do If Pos('From: ', txtMemo.Lines[iRow]) = 1 Then Begin sFrom := txtMemo.Lines[iRow]; sFrom := 'From ' + Copy(sFrom, 7, Length(sFrom) - 6); Break; End; For iRow := 0 To txtMemo.Lines.Count - 1 Do If Pos('Date: ', txtMemo.Lines[iRow]) = 1 Then Begin sDate := txtMemo.Lines[iRow]; sDate := Copy(sDate, 7, Length(sDate) - 6); Break; End; txtMemo_Print.Lines.Insert(0, sFrom + ' ' + sDate); End; End; Procedure WriteTxtFile; Var txtFile: TextFile; Begin AssignFile(txtFile, sFileName); If FileExists(sFileName) Then Append(txtFile) Else Rewrite(txtFile); If Not bFirst Then TextWrite(txtFile, sDivider); InitPrintMemo; TextWrite(txtFile, txtMemo_Print.text); CloseFile(txtFile); End; Begin InitMemos; ========== REMAINDER OF ARTICLE TRUNCATED ==========